Bachelor Juan Pablo Lands TV Commercial: Watch First Paid Acting Gig Before Season Finale (VIDEO)

Bachelor Juan Pablo Lands TV Commercial: Watch First Paid Acting Gig Before Season Finale (VIDEO)

Juan Pablo hasn’t exactly won people over during his time on Season 18 of The Bachelor. Although Juan Pablo claims he agreed to star on The Bachelor because he wanted to find love and a step-mom for his daughter Camila, Bachelor Nation isn’t buying it. The majority of Bachelor fans think that Juan Pablo has no intention of finding love, and he starred on the popular reality series in hopes of becoming famous and breaking into the entertainment industry. There are several rumors floating around that Juan Pablo doesn’t even propose during the season finale of The Bachelor, and that whichever Bachelorette he gives the Final Rose to, isn’t even a part of his life anymore.

Although Juan Pablo has denied being a fame-whore in the past, his latest actions don’t exactly support that claim. The controversial Bachelor landed a role on a series of a New York appliance store’s commercials. In the corny commercial Juan Pablo can be seen playing the role of a sales man in the appliance store, being checked out from behind by a woman shopping at the store. Juan Pablo and the upstate NY store owner both claim Juan Pablo starred in the commercial as a favor to the store owner, to help “put his store on the map.” But, Juan Pablo was compensated for his appearance in the commercial. So, if he was paid to appear, how is it a favor? It sounds like Juan Pablo just landed his first non-Bachelor paid acting gig. Congratulations Juan Pablo, your career is taking off!

Do you think Juan Pablo appeared on The Bachelor because he was hungry for fame, or honestly wanted to find true love?