Bates Motel RECAP 4/28/14: Season 2 Episode 9 “The Box”

Bates Motel returns to A&E tonight with a brand new episode for fans to enjoy. On tonight’s episode called “The Box,” Norma tries to connect with Norman. Meanwhile, Romero turns to a former colleague for help.

On last week’s episode Romero dug for the truth behind Miss Watson’s murder, while the war between the drug families presented Dylan with an impossible choice. Norman pushed Norma away when she won’t tell him the truth about his blackouts.  Did you watch last week’s episode?  If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode Norma desperately tries to connect with Norman.  Dylan decides whether risking his life is worth losing a loved one.  Romero enlists the help of a further colleague to determine if Norman is guilty of a crime.

Tonight’s episode is going to be a great one and you’re not going to want to miss it. Tune in to A&E at 10PM EST to watch it and we’ll also be recapping it right here. In the meantime stop by our comments section and tell us your thoughts on the second season of BATES MOTEL!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Tonight’s episode begins with Norman being taken to a remote location and dropped into what looks like a shed. He is blindfolded when they first arrive, then his captors remove the blindfold and push him inside the shed and lock him in as the rain pounds the area.

Meanwhile, Norma arrives home and she calls form Norman, telling him it is time to wake up. She doesn’t get a response so she looks in his room and sees he is gone. She calls for him everywhere, looking in the office, checking with Emma, but he is not to be found. When Emma asks if anything is wrong, Norma tells her all is well and to tell Norman she is looking for him if Emma sees him. Emma gets the courage to ask what is going on, but Norma blows her off and runs off.

Back in the small, confined shed that Norman was locked in, he screams as loud as he can for help. Norma starts calling Norman over and over leaving 15 messages. Her last message tells him she understands he may be upset with her but he needs to cut this sh*t out and call her. She is sick with grief.

Romero meets with an old colleague and asks for his help in determining whether or not he locked up the wrong man for a crime. He agrees to help.

Norma gets a call that begins with “He’s safe.” The caller, Nick Ford, says that he expects Norman to do what he asks of him or he will be dead. He is tired of the games and he will know if Norma goes to Romero with the information. He ends the call with, “Make it happen.” Norma rushes to Dylan’s to ask for help. She tells him that Nick took Norman. Norma blames Dylan for Norman being taken. Dylan explains that though Norma offered to help, she cannot because Nick asked him to kill his boss. Norma pauses for a moment and then tells him he needs to do it. Dylan cannot believe she’d ask him to do this. She tells him there is no other choice.

Dylan arrives to see Jodi. He asks where Nick is and where he is hiding. She tries to play coy, but Dylan knows better and tells Jodi to do what she needs to do and make up her mind, then storms off. Meanwhile, Romero comes looking for Norman and Emma quickly asks if there is something wrong. Romero blows her off and rushes out to see Norma as he sees her arrive through the window. Romero asks how Norman is doing but Norma lies and says he is very sick and contagious and he cannot talk. Romero tells Norma he needs to be honest about his visit and shares that they need to do an autopsy on Miss Watson and now they want to do a polygraph on Norman because there is a connection that links him to the crime. There is also a DNA match showing he had sex with Miss Watson. Norma excuses herself and runs inside. She hyperventilates, not knowing with to do. She tries to call Norman again but there is not answer again. She cries into another voicemail. She tells him how much she loves him through tears.

Norman, still imprisoned, is talking to himself and seems he has given up on his fight to get out for the moment. Just then he hears something and believes there is a sign of hope. He sees people walking through a slit in the wood, but it isn’t help coming for him. The visitors tell Norman they were sent to check on him and brought him some food. However, they neglect to answer any of his questions about why he is locked up and why they are doing this. As the men turn away for a moment, Norman runs off. With handcuffs on, and visibly weak, he doesn’t get too far and the men catch up with him. They pick him up off the ground to bring him back to “the box” and see Miss Watson’s pearl necklace and a news article about her death that must have fallen from Norman’s pocket.

Emma goes to see Norma. She gives Norma her two-weeks notice. When Norma asks why, Emma tells her there are too many reasons to explain. She says she feels like she should be more involved, but they don’t include her despite her wanting to be a part of their family. Emma is pouring her heart out about how she wishes the family embraced and trusted her more to include her in family business but she still feels isolated. Norma says that the news is sad, but she understands and will miss her. She then closes the door and leaves Emma even more sad.

One of Nick’s men brings him the items they found from Norman. As he sits by a fire, he examines what they’ve given him. Norman, meanwhile, is dealing with the man bugs that have now joined him in the box. He begins to get serious anxiety with the bugs crawling on him until he recalls his mother telling him once before that if ever he is alone, he should know that she is always with him. Remembering this comforts him and he calms down. Dylan arrives to see Zane and is questioned about why he is there and whether or not he can be trusted. He uses the excuse that he brought groceries. Zane begins asking Dylan if Jodi has what it takes to run a business. Zane tells Dylan that if he chooses her over him he will be making a big mistake. Dylan doesn’t understand as he says he believes they are all on the same side. He gives Dylan a message for Jody and advises him that he needs to do some convincing on her. Dylan agrees and leaves.

In the office, as Emma leaves, Norma is greeted by George. He brings her flowers and tries to kiss her but she is very distant and tells him she is not in the mood. He calls her on the way she is acting saying that he just doesn’t “get her.” Norma fires back that he will never get her and she screams for him to just leave. He obliges and takes off. She ends up running after him, realizing what she’s done but he speeds off. Emma, still in the parking lot, is right there to comfort Norma.

Dylan gets a meeting with Nick. Nick is upset that Zane is not dead. Dylan tells him there was no way he could kill him because there were other men there with guns and there was no way he could have done it. Dylan shares Zane’s location and Nick asks for his help. Nick asks Dylan if he can count on him anymore and Dylan tells him he cannot help him alone. Nick says he is sorry to hear that and wants to take Dylan outside. The two start fighting as Dylan knows this is his only chance. He ends up hurting Nick but now he cannot find out where Nick is keeping Norman. He runs out in hopes of finding Norman.

Norma is sleeping but is awoken by the doorbell and pounding on the door. She runs downstairs and opens the door to Romero. Romero demands to see Norman but she tells him no. He pushes his way in and begins looking for Norman. She yells out that he is actually not there after all. She fesses up and finally tells Romero that Nick took Norman. She even tells him the plot to have Dylan kill someone. Romero takes off leaving Norma in tears. Norman is wet from the rain falling through the box as he recalls memories of Miss Watson. Then he begins remembering his mother’s comments about her and how they fought over it. He has flashbacks of the murder of Miss Watson and then begins to have trouble breathing as he still remains locked in the box.

Only one episode left in the season!! Tune in next week for the season finale.

Caryn Doti Chavez:
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