Below Deck Recap 10/21/14: Season 2 Episode 11 “Dry Land, Damp Eyes”

Tonight on Bravo Below Deck continues with an all new Tuesday October 21, season 2 episode 11 called, “Dry Land, Damp Eyes.” On tonight’s episode tensions within Ohana’s crew reach their boiling point as they prepare for the season’s final charter and the return of former charter guest Dean, who was the recipient of Kate’s infamous “Penis Blanket” fury.

On last week’s episode Kelley asked Jennice to go out on a date, but plans took an unexpected turn. Elsewhere, charter guests focued on trading stocks; Logan tried to charm a guest’s girlfriend; and Kate fumed when she’s taken off dinner service. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode tensions within Ohana’s crew reach their boiling point as they prepare for the season’s final charter and the return of former charter guest Dean, who was the recipient of Kate’s infamous “Penis Blanket” fury. After Amy drops the ball on dinner service, Kate forcefully steps in to take charge and her efforts to make the final night of the charter perfect depend on her whole team pulling together. Once the Ohana returns to port for the last time, the crew says their final goodbyes and the tears flow as Kelley and Jennice decide the future of their relationship.

Tonight’s episode is going to be filled with the usual Below Deck drama and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of the show tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Below Deck.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of Below Deck kicks off with the crew of the Ohana out for drinks, they head back in cars to the boat. All of the stewardesses pile in to once car and ride back in awkward silence, there is still a lot of tension between Amy and Kate and Kat.

The next morning Amy is up at em early, while Ben argues with Kate in their room. Kate is upset because Ben keeps praising Amy, and telling Captain Lee how amazing she is. Meanwhile, Kat is still sleeping, and the deckhands are furious. They don’t understand why she sleeps the entire day away, while they are all working. Kate heads to Kat’s room and begs for her to get up so everyone will stop complaining.

Jennice corners Kelley on deck, and asks him what they are going to do when the charter is over? He doesn’t really answer her, and Jennice is starting to feel like he isn’t that serious about their relationship, and their relationship is just a boat thing.

Ben and Kate head up to Captain Lee’s office to learn about their last set of charter guests. And, it’s Kate’s favorite customer, Dean Slover. Dean is the guest earlier in the season that complained that they didn’t serve dinner on time and said Kate was “too bitchy.” So, Kate left a penis-shaped blanket folded on his bed and all hell broke loose.

Kat finally rolls out of bed at 11:00 AM, and everyone gives her a cold shoulder. She insists that she didn’t hear Kate telling her to wake up. Kat and Eddie wind up in a screaming match in the kitchen because he catches her talking about his crew, and is still annoyed that she slept half the day while they were working all morning.

Kate and Eddie have a pow-wow, and they decide that the deckhands and stewardesses need to just keep their distance from each other and worry about their own duties. Everyone gathers on the deck to greet Dean and the half a dozen guys he has brought with him for another cruise. Kate takes them on a tour of the Ohana.

Jennice sits in the break room and has a meltdown, Kate catches her crying. Jennice confesses she has no idea what is going to happen after yacht season is over. She doesn’t know what is going on with Kelley, and whether they are going to be together once they head back to land. Kate offers her some advice, and tells her to never move somewhere to be with a man unless she has a ring on her finger.

After the guests are settled in, it is time for the dinner service. Ben prepares dinner, and is rushing because Dean made a big deal about getting his dinner on time. Ben called Kate on her radio numerous times to tell her that the plates were ready to be served, but she didn’t answer. So, he sent Amy up on deck with the plates. When Kate sees her arriving she is furious that Ben sent her up with the food without okaying it with her.

Kate heads down to the kitchen and begins yelling at Ben for sending the plates up with Amy. Amy tries to explain to Kate why she was helping Ben, and Kate snaps at her that she isn’t talking to her. Ben stays in the kitchen ranting and complaining about Kate, and she goes in to her bedroom and cries. Kat consoles her and tells her that she is doing an amazing job.

The next morning Dean requests that the crew sets up the slide so that they can go swimming. While the deck hands struggle with the slide, Kate calls Kat and Amy down below for a stewardess meeting. Kate apologizes to Amy for all of the drama and says that she never met to make Amy feel bad about herself or like she wasn’t part of her team. Amy accepts her apology, and they all agree to finish this charter on a good note.

Jennice corners Kelley and tries to talk about their relationship and where they are going to live after the charter is over. Kelley informs her that after the charter is over he needs space and he has to live alone, he doesn’t want to jump in to anything crazy with her.

Dean has requested a themed dinner party him and his guests, so Kate and Amy get busy decorating the deck like a disco jungle. Ben prepares dinner and begins sending the plates up with the stewardesses. The dinner goes off without a hitch, and afterwards all of the guests praise Ben on his dinner. After dinner Kate and Ben bond in the kitchen and make amends after their rocky season working together.

It’s the final day of the charter and Ben oversleeps, the guests are waiting on the deck for breakfast. They begin complaining that they are leaving in half an hour and haven’t eaten. Ben begins rushing around the kitchen and the deck hands help him cook an entire breakfast in just fifteen minutes.

The final charter is officially over, the stewardesses and deckhands gather on the deck to say good-bye to Dean and his guests. Dean gushes to Captain Lee that he had an amazing time and the crew earned every cent of their tip.

Captain Lee calls everyone in to his office, and reveals that Dean left them a $16,000 tip, he passes out everyone’s earnings and commends them on finishing the season, although points out that they did do a lot of complaining along the way. Ben announces that he has to fly out because he has an obligation in Miami, he says his good-byes to everyone and heads off the Ohana. Everyone else heads out to a final dinner together before they all say their goodbyes and head their separate ways on to new adventures.


Amanda Austin:
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