Below Deck Recap 10/7/14: Season 2 Episode 9 “You’re Grounded”

Tonight on Bravo Below Deck continues with an all new Tuesday October 7, season 2 episode 9 called, “You’re Grounded.” On tonight’s episode after a night of partying, the Ohana crew has to prepare for a new group of charter guests.

On last week’s episode everybody was happy when the new deckhand, Logan Reese, finally arrived— and once the stews sized him up, the fight for his attention was on. Amy had to call for back up when she was left alone on late-night service with a throng of hard-partying guests. Meanwhile, a startling accident at the dock made Captain Lee wary of his own crew. The crew celebrated Kelley’s birthday with a wild night out and romance was in the air once they all returned to the boat. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode after a night of partying, the Ohana crew has to prepare for a new group of charter guests. A bad decision by Kate puts Amy and Ben in a bind as they struggle to create a special birthday celebration for a charter guest. Kelley and Jennice make a definitive decision about their relationship.

Tonight’s episode is going to be filled with the usual Below Deck drama and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of the show tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Below Deck.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Tonight’s episode of Below Deck kicks off with Captain Lee storming downstairs and banging on the crews doors at 8 AM and demanding to know why they aren’t out of bed. He doesn’t care how hung over they are. They partied way too hard for Kelley’s birthday the night before. Ben and Kate head to Captain Lee’s office and he goes over their next charter with them. They can already tell that they are going to be difficult guests because they are requesting caviar and crystale.

Everyone gets to work, except Kelley who is hung over and apparently hurt his elbow the night before. While Kate and Amy are making a bed, Amy tries to talk to Kate about their issues with each other. Kate apologizes and says they should just move forward, but Ay wants to keep talking about it. Finally Kate is sick of her drama and just walks out. Kat comes in and Amy fills her in on her talk with Kate, Kat informs her that she can’t be jealous that they are friends. Amy says they are acting like they are in high-school.

The guests are arriving, Captain Lee calls the crew to the deck to greet them. They all line up and shake their hands and introduce themselves. The guests head straight to the deck and begin consuming heaping servings of caviar. The deckhands help Captain Lee launch the boat, and Captain Lee overhears Kelley complaining about his elbow and how hung over he is.

Later, the guests want them to set up the water slide on the boat. Kelley is still hungover and starts giving Captain Lee attitude. Then he lies and tells him that he hurt his arm working on the boat but Captain Lee already his him saying earlier that he hurt his arm while he was drunk. Kelley gets irritated and storms off to his room, leaving Captain Lee and Eddie to set up the slide by themselves. Captain Lee tells Eddie that he has had enough of Kelley, and he better keep him out of his site.

Eddie has a talk with Kelley and tells him that he needs to pull it together and stop being so angry and freaking out over nothing. Kelley calms down and tries to talk to Captain Lee and make amends, but Captain Lee tells him to go to his quarters and get out of his face. Kelley wines to his sister Amy that he is quitting and leaving the boat, because he has had enough of Captain Lee.

Jennice heads in to the quarters with Kelley and gives him a pep talk, he insists that he isn’t going to leave the boat. Meanwhile, Kelley’s sister Amy is in the kitchen flirting with the new deckhand Logan.

The next morning Kate serves the guests the heaping plates of chicken and waffles they requested. One of the guests complain to Kate that they need more service. They complain that they aren’t getting enough food, Kate is blown away by how much they are eating.

First thing in the morning Captain Lee calls Eddie in to his office. He lectures him about his deckhands going out to drink the night before a charter. He tells Eddie that if he sees Kelley not working once, he will confine him to his quarters the rest of the charter. Eddie heads back down below and tells Eddie and Kelley to get it together.

It’s a big day for the stewardesses, they have to set up a beach party for the guests, and then a birthday party back on the boat afterwards. Kat and Kate opt to take the guests to the beach and set up their party, and tell Ay to stay behind on the boat and help Ben get ready for the birthday party. Kate rants on the beach while she sets up the party that their guests have no class and they don’t even appreciate her service.

Back on the boat Amy is rushing around putting up birthday invitations. Kate radios her and warns her that the guests are on the way back. After Kate puts the guests on the motorboat back to the yacht, Kate, Kat, and Logan decide to stay on the beach and cook the leftover scallops on the grill for themselves. They sit down to eat, while Amy rushes around setting up the birthday party and trying to get the guests drinks. Jennice winds up helping Amy serve them their birthday cake. Ben is furious that Kate and Kat are on the beach and not helping Amy, he complains about them to Captain Lee.

It’s the final day of the charter, and the stewardesses are packing up the guests’ dirty laundry for them. They finally park the boat at the yacht, and they all line up and bid their guests adieu. They head down below to meet with Captain Lee. He rants that this was probably their worst charter yet and he reveals that they probably shouldn’t have been so judgmental of their guests, because they were really high-rollers and left them a $20,000.00 tip. Captain Lee passes out tips to everyone, except for Kelley. After the meeting Kelley and Jennice head up on the deck to talk, she confesses to him that she has feelings for him.


Amanda Austin:
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