Below Deck ‘New Kid on the Dock’ Recap: Season 2 Episode 8

Tonight on Bravo Below Deck returns with an all new Tuesday September 30, season 2 episode 8 called, “New Kid on the Dock.” On tonight’s episode everybody is happy when the new deckhand, Logan Reese, finally arrives — and once the stews size him up, the fight for his attention is on.

On last week’s episode the Ohana crew were very unhappy to learn Adrienne would be coming on board as a guest, and when she blew the lid off the lingering tension between Kat and Amy, the boat erupted in total chaos. Kelley and Jennice’s awkward tension was becoming noticeable to their crew mates, and Amy felt isolated when Kat and Kate turned against her. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode everybody is happy when the new deckhand, Logan Reese, finally arrives — and once the stews size him up, the fight for his attention is on. Amy has to call for back up when she’s left alone on late-night service with a throng of hard-partying guests. Meanwhile, a startling accident at the dock makes Captain Lee wary of his own crew. The crew celebrates Kelley’s birthday with a wild night out and romance is in the air once they all return to the boat.

Tonight’s episode is going to be filled with the usual Below Deck drama and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of the show tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Below Deck.

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Tonight’s episode of Below Deck begins with Ben and Kate chatting on the deck, they are arguing over all of the drama on their last charter.  Ben is upset because the guests were drunk and crowding him in the kitchen, and there is no reason Kate couldn’t have kept them upstairs.

Captain Lee announces to Eddie and Kelly that they have a short one day charter coming up, and he has hired a new deckhand to try out during the charter.  Amy and Kat are cleaning a room in silence, Amy tries to talk to her and tells her that they are grown women and they need to clear the elephant in the room.  Kat blows her off and tells her that she just woke up and doesn’t want to talk.  They’re still feuding over the rumors Kat thinks Amy was spreading about her.

The new deckhand Logan arrives and introduces himself to Eddie and Kelley, Captain Lee comes down and greets him.  Kate is shocked when she sees Logan walking across the deck and she rushes out to hug him, everyone is shocked that they already know each other.  Kelley and Jennice go to work in silent cleaning the deck, Kelley still isn’t talking to her after she shot him down.  Amy and Kat are both smitten with the new deckhand.

Their next set of charter guests arrive,  and the crew meets the on deck.  Kate gives them a tour of their rooms, and Captain Lee and the deckhands begin preparing to launch the boat.  Something starts creaking loudly and it looks like the boat is caught on something, Captain Lee begins sprinting down the boat and telling everyone to get out of his way.  Captain Lee manages to get everything under control, they nearly ripped the dock off with their boat, he calls an emergency meeting with Jennice, Kelley, and Logan.  He demands to know who put the boat in to gear, they all insist it wasn’t them, he promises he will find out who did it.

Captain Lee and the deckhand crew anchor the boat in the Virgin Islands, and their guests go for a swim.  Meanwhile, the stewardesses get the boat ready for the Mexican dinner.  Logan hangs out with Kelley and Eddie down below, Jennice is jealous that all the guys are hanging out and she feels out of the loop.

[10:01:48 PM] Amanda Austin: The guests sit down for their Mexican dinner and begin pounding shots, for once Kate and Ben are actually working smoothly together and dinner is served on time and the guests are happy.  After dinner, Eddie gives the guests a ride to the island to go to the bar.  Kat corners Logan in the kitchen so that they can get to know each other and quizzes him about his past.

The stewardesses are annoyed when they learn that their guests are bringing eight people back to the boat  and they are having a party.  Kat and Kate go to bed and leave Amy to deal with all of the guests.  They get drunk and out of control and start jumping off the side of the boat in to the dark water, Amy shuts down the party and has Kelley wake Eddie up and take them all back to the island.

The next morning Captain Lee runs some maintenance tests to see why the boat took off yesterday and nearly crashed the dock.  Captain Lee learns that there is actually something wrong with the boat’s gears and it wasn’t his crew’s fault that the boat took off yesterday.

Amy and Kat decide to heave a heart to heart about their fight.  Amy explains that a few years ago when they were working together, Kat hooked up with a guy that she liked.  Kat doesn’t understand why she is telling people about it now, since it happened so long ago.  Amy apologizes and says that she is sorry that she was gossiping about her and they hug it out.
Captain Lee is preparing to park the boat in another dock.  But, he is concerned that the boat isn’t going to fit because the slip is small.  And, on top of that, they have something wrong with the boat and it keeps lurching forward.  The crew hold their breath while everyone on the deck stares at them and watches them.  But, Captain Lee manages to get the boat in without any incident.  The crew lines up to say good-bye their guests.

Captain Lee calls a meeting afterwards and he commends Logan for his good work, and he thanks Amy for making sure that the party didn’t get out of hand.  He tells the crew they can go out tonight and have a good time, but they have to get up early in the morning for their next charter.  Kelley is pumped because it is his birthday and he gets to go out with his sister.

They head to the island and start hitting up the bars and pounding drinks.  Jennice watches uncomfortably while Kelley dances with Kat and then he hops on a stripper pole and Kat bumps and grinds on him.  They leave the bar, and Kelley proceeds to fall on the ground and start throwing up all over.  They head back to the bar, and Amy and Logan decide to get in the hot tub together.  They’re flirting and having a good time, and then Kat comes out and interrupts them.

Jennice puts drunk Kelley to bed and he begs her to lay with him.  He mumbles that she “makes everything better,” and Jennice lays down with him.



Amanda Austin:
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