Bethenny Frankel’s Boyfriend, Michael Cerussi, Accused of Rape in 2000: Kicked Out of College – Later Reinstated (PHOTOS)

Isn’t dating a celebrity like taking a calculated risk? I mean, if you have a bunch of crap hanging in your deep, dark closet that you don’t want people to know then dating someone like Bethenny Frankel probably isn’t in your best interest. Just ask Michael Cerussi who might be rethinking him relationship status right now. He’s the guy that we have seen the former Real Housewive’s of New York star frolicking on the beach with this past week.

Unfortunately that extra baggage that Michael hoped would say hidden has been unearthed by the media and it’s not pretty. It seems that back in 2001 Michael was accused of rape at Union College in Schenectady, NY, along with one of his frat male frinds. He was never charged and no police report was ever filed but the accusations alone were enough to get him bounced from the school. After Cerussi sued the school and student he was able to get his his student status returned but opted never to attend the school again.

Rumor has it that Bethenny was fully aware of the scandal and chose to continue seeing Cerussi because she believes that he was innocent. Here’s my thinking though, isn’t her ex going to have a field day with this in custody court? I mean these two have fought tooth and nail over every detail of their daughter, Brynn’s life. Isn’t dating Cerussi just giving Jason Happy ammo to use against her in court? Should Bethenny rethink who and what she chooses to date – even if he is innocent? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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