Bethenny Frankel Posts Ridiculous Photo Of Herself Dressed Up In Daughter’s Pajamas – Wants World To Know She’s Skinny!

Bethenny Frankel Posts Ridiculous Photo Of Herself Dressed Up In Daughter's Pajamas - Wants World To Know She's Skinny!Bethenny Frankel Posts Ridiculous Photo Of Herself Dressed Up In Daughter's Pajamas - Wants World To Know She's Skinny!

Bethenny Frankel managed to dress and act the age of a four year old when she proudly posted a photo of herself wearing daughter Bryn’s clothing as an obvious attempt to say, “Look at me! I am so tiny I can fit my four-year-old’s clothing!” Too bad for Bethenny, her fans didn’t share her feelings and were not impressed by her ability to squeeze into Bryn’s clothing.

Though her talk show, Bethenny, was axed, it is hard to believe (and stomach) the fact that she would stoop so low as to brag about putting Bryn’s pajamas on. And one has to wonder whether her boyfriend, who has a troubled past, is the one snapping the photos, which would make this even more disturbing than it already is. While some of the 400+ comments posted in response to the pic were mild, some fans were more upset, seeing Bethenny, who has openly shared her struggle to overcome a lifelong eating disorder, as reckless and a poor role model.

And while Bethenny claims the Hello Kitty set to include a “nightgown” and PJ shorts, we must point out that this is a pajama set…nightgowns come as nightgowns and are not sold with a pair of shorts to be worn underneath. So, while some defended the Skinnygirl creator by reiterating she was wearing her daughter’s nightgown, Frankel should have been more frank and shared that she was wearing a PJ set, not something that would be past young Bryn’s knees.

After taking the initial heat the photo inspired, Bethenny took to Twitter to respond by making light of the photo by including comments that poked fun at her failed career. Bethenny also claimed Bryn asked her mommy to wear her clothes (just doesn’t seem like something a child would ask her mother to do) and she not only obliged, but had to immediately post it to Instagram. Let’s be real, Bethenny.

Perhaps you are too embarrassed to share that you were the one who inspired the game of dress up, forgetting that it is usually the child dressing as the mother and not the other way around, but we all know you had the camera ready and waiting to capture the moment you could share how skinny you have truly become. Next time, why not just post a bikini selfie like the other housewives? Or…just spare us altogether.

Bethenny’s photo caused a Twitter war. Do you think Bethenny was posting the pic for attention, or did Bryn really ask her mom to wear her clothes? Should she have shared the picture, regardless? Tell us what you think below!

Image credit to Instagram

Caryn Doti Chavez:
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