Big Brother 16 Eviction Spoilers Live Feed Week 10 – Nicole Evicted – Frankie Next – Derrick Will Win Most Predictable Season

Big Brother 16 Eviction Spoilers Live Feed Week 10 -  Nicole Evicted - Frankie Next - Derrick Will Win Most Predictable Season

Way back at the start of Big Brother 16 spoilers, everyone was thinking that the season was going to be extremely volatile and explosive. Devin was at the heart of most of that with his quirky and mind-numbingly bad game play as we saw on the live feed. Most of America including myself wanted Devin gone, and now regret that terribly. Not because Devin was deserving to stay, or because he was a good player, but because he kept it unpredictable. Big Brother 16 has been the most predictable season in history – even with the live feed access.

For whatever reason, all the players seem to be content to keep the alliance together even here in week 10. This is odd in many ways because previous years would see the inevitable implosion much earlier in the season. It is rare indeed that Big Brother contestants ride an alliance so doggedly. What has resulted has been a unanimous vote throughout the season essentially. Nobody is rocking the boat and all the players are filling their roles.

What is maddening is that all the players save Victoria have had opportunities to make huge moves to change the game into their favor and nobody has done it. Derrick has manipulated these players so well that it almost seems like a foregone conclusion that he will win. That is insane considering that the season is not nearly over.

On the bright side, the double eviction is coming. That means that finally we will have some in roads towards breaking up the alliance. Victoria is the key to Derrick’s plans. If he is not careful, he will eventually get figured out and targeted for elimination.

Tonight they will evict two players instead of just the obvious choice of Nicole. While Nicole leaving is pretty solid for week 10, the next eviction could go a number of ways. Frankie would be the best choice to go, but Christine is the more likely choice. Once she is gone, they will have little choice but to turn on one another. How that might shake down will be interesting.

When the alliance is trimmed down to smaller numbers, the season will get interesting again. It seems a shame, however, that it is happening the way that it is. When players get the chance to take out a huge threat, they should pull the trigger. Otherwise, they are facing a tough road to hoe when the jury goes to vote.

What exactly would they say to argue why they should win the prize? They were loyal? That doesn’t win in Big Brother. At least Derrick has a clear story to tell of how he has controlled the house. The others?  Not so much…..