Big Brother 16 Recap 7/3/14: Episode 5 “Live Eviction and HoH” #BB16

Big Brother 16 Recap 7/3/14: Episode 5 “Live Eviction” #BB16Big Brother 16 Recap 7/3/14: Episode 5 “Live Eviction” #BB16

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for the fifth episode of their 16th season. On tonight’s episode we see what happens on the live “Eviction Show” and who will be going home: Joey Van Pelt or Paola Shea.  Later in the show we will be on to the HoH competition.

On the last episode Cody, Victoria and Zach were chosen to play in the PoV competition and Donny won.  Joey was  put up on the block as Donny’s replacement. What does this mean for the twist? We don’t know yet. Did you watch the last episode?  If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode we’ll be seeing the first votes cast and finding out who will be the first houseguest leaving the Big Brother house, it’s going to be an intense and dramatic eviction tonight. Will the twist come into play? Even though most of the house wants Joey out, will she be the one to leave?  After the live eviction we will be on to the HoH competition.

Big Brother 2014 airs tonight at 8pm with another great episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you?  Are you excited about the new season?  Is there anyone you are rooting for yet?

RECAP: Tonight’s episode of Big Brother kicks off with the houseguests preparing for their first eviction. Paola has a chat with Caleb and tells him that she doesn’t want to leave, he reassures her that she won’t be going home. Outside Joey is campaigning for votes and asks Brittany and Nicole for their votes. Devin takes Victoria aside and tells her that the whole house is voting out Joey and she has to vote for the majority. Joey realizes that Caleb and Devin are basically running the house and decides to dress as a man because she is a feminist, and calls herself “Alex.” She runs through the BB16 house, campaigns for votes and tells everyone to stop being “afraid of the power in the house”.

Next Julie shares a clip of Caleb chatting about his infatuation with Amber. Frankie thinks their semi-relationship seems “kinda eighth grade.” Caleb took Amber aside and says that he likes watching her read her bible and he can feel a vibe between them. Amber thinks he misunderstood and she doesn’t really feel a vibe between them, she feels uncomfortable and doesn’t feel the same. Caleb isn’t fazed though, he’s not going to give up on them.

It’s time for the live evictions start, Paola and Joey campaign one last time for votes, and tell their fellow houseguests why they think they should get to stay in the house. Devin kicks off the voting and votes for Joey. Derrick follows and votes for Joey as well. Frankie and Cody also vote to evict Joey. Brittany, Nicole, Zach, Christine, Victoria, Jocasta, and the rest of the house all vote unanimously to evict Joey.

Joey has been officially evicted from Big Brother 16, she gathers her bag and heads out of the house to chat with Julie Chen. They laugh about her alter-ego Alex and how badly she screwed up by trying to start an all-girl alliance, and then confessing about it after the fact. Julie reveals that since the first member of Team America has already been evicted, America will get to vote for another player to replace her in the alliance of three.

It’s time to crown two new Head of Households. During this week’s HOH competition, the girls will be competing in one round and the guys will be competing in another round, so there will be two HOH’s, one boy and one girl. The players will have to make their way across a balance beam and move six kegs across the yard and stack them. If they fall off the beam, they are out of the competition.

The girls start their competition and Amber and Christine are in the lead. Unfortunately, Brittany drops her keg and is out of the competition. After moving her six kegs safely across the beam, Amber is crowned the first HOH of the week.

Now it’s time for the guys to compete for HOH. Derrick is out of the competition first, when he falls off his beam. The rest of the guys race up and down the lawn with their kegs, neck and neck with each other. Cody finishes first and hits his buzzer. Julie announces that Cody is the new HOH and then after reviewing the tapes, it is discovered that Cody touched the ground with his foot so he is disqualified, and Devin is actually the next HOH.

Before Big Brother is over, it is revealed that the next member of the Team America Alliance is Donny.

Amanda Austin:
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