Big Brother 16 Power of Veto Competition Recap Week 8 Episode 25 8/19/14

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for an all new episode in their 16th season. On tonight’s episode House guests vie for the power of veto.  Once the competition is held we will see the veto ceremony and find out if the veto is used.

On the last episode, the two new heads of households moved into their rooms.  During the Nomination Ceremony; Derrick nominated Donny and Christine, Frankie nominated Caleb and Cody. During the Battle of the Block; everyone headed outside and there was a big black box. Both teams had to enter the house in pitch black, they had to find bones; the first team to find five would win. The competition was harder than it seemed because some of the bones wouldn’t fit, Christine didn’t help at all, she tried to throw the competition but Donny worked crazy and won. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s show the house guests will be going up against each other to fight for the power of veto.  If you really must know what is going to happen tonight we have already spoiled the episode for you, you can check it all out HERE.

Big Brother 2014 airs tonight at 8pm with another great episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you? Are you excited about Big Brother?

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

It’s day 57 and Donny is thanking Jesus that he won the challenge but he’s certain that Christine was sandbagging and that the group is out to get him when he’s been nothing but nice. Christine is angry that Donny won the challenge on his own and she knows that Donny knows she blew it up. Cody is upset that this is the second week in a row that their plan blew up.

Derrick is out at HOH and is upset that things aren’t going his way. They’re hoping Victoria doesn’t get the veto. Frankie is upset that two of his alliance are on the block. He’s hoping he can win the veto to pull one of them down. He and Zach chat and do dishes and talk this over. Derrick goes to give Donny a hug and says as long as he doesn’t get put up, they’re good. He says that Victoria is the real target.

Derrick is trying to retain any trust that Donny may have left in him. Donny says he’s okay, but is very silent. In his confessional, he says that Derrick has been blowing smoke this whole season to everyone. He says they may think he’s a dumb bumpkin, but he knows what’s really going on. Derrick finally gives up and goes away. He knows Donny has lost trust in him.

He tells Frankie that Donny knows and doesn’t trust them anymore. They talk about Donny and Victoria winning POV and not using it. Frankie says this is the most critical POV of the year and says if he wins, he’ll take down Caleb and put up Victoria. Derrick says Zach is the replacement option he wants but doesn’t tell Frankie this – he has to hold his cards close for now.

Donny and Zach meet in secret and Donny tells him he hopes he gets drawn for veto and wins. Zach asks if he wins POV if he wants him not to use it and Donny tells Zach he’s just thinking of him. Donny thinks the others are just pretending to include Zach and wants him on his side. Zach worries that he might get back doored and he thinks Donny may be right about that.

Zach hugs and kisses Frankie on the cheek and asks what if Victoria wins the veto. Frankie says there is no way she can win. Zach says if she wins, they are f-ed. Frankie says he needs to win it and take out Victoria. They say they think if Derrick makes it to the end, he’ll win. Zach says he knows he’s aggravated everyone and hopes Victoria will be the target, not him.

Derrick says they plan to do accomplish the #TeamAmerica mission. He, Donny and Frankie discuss hiding something in a garbage bag below the trash so no one will find it. They agree this is a really fun mission. Derrick goes and steals Victoria’s robe that she wears every day. He stashes it in the trash. Frankie goes and steals Caleb’s cwoboy boots and also hides them in the trash.

Donny goes to get Cody’s blue flowered hat. He says it’s tricky business because you have to make sure it’s not seen. He has it and hides it and now it’s just a waiting game for people to notice. Frankie calls everyone to pick players for the veto competition. He says six will participate. The HOH, two nominees and three other players.

Cody wants Derrick to get picked so he might use the veto on him. Frankie draws Victoria. Cody draws Donny. Caleb draws and gets Christine. Zach says it’s out of his control. Donny says if he wins it, he’ll draw colored candy to see if he’ll use it. Christine says it’s unbelievable and they decide the worst case is for Donny to win. Zach doesn’t want Victoria to win.

Caleb says they just need someone to use it, but doesn’t think Victoria or Donny will and the bomb squad plan will blow up. They agree that Victoria doesn’t have a real shot to win. Donny tells Zach he’ll try his best because he doesn’t believe they’ll really give Victoria up and says he thinks they’ll go for Zach instead. He asks Zach not to say anything. Zach is getting paranoid and hopes Frankie follows through and sets up Victoria to go.

The door to the house opens and everyone goes on alert. #Zingbot comes in and everyone goes nuts with excitement. He says they all look more attractive in person. Donny says he seems too nice. Zingbot tells Donny he loves his beard and wishes it didn’t cover his handsome face. The bot says props twice and they wonder why he’s handing out compliments.

Then the doorbell rings and the door opens. It’s Kathy Griffin! The house goes wild. Frankie runs to hug her. Everyone crowds around her and hugs her. Kathy says she came when she saw something was wrong with Zingbot. She says she’s there for a Zingervention. Kathy tells him he’s supposed to be zinging people. She says she’ll show him how it’s done.

Zach says he knows it’s going to be bad. She tells Caleb that he thinks Amber is drop dead gorgeous and Amber wants him to drop dead. She tells Christine she’s disproved that glasses make people look smarter. She tells Victoria that she can only zing people that are actually playing the game. Victoria doesn’t get it. She’s so ditzy.

Kathy asks what you call someone who’s not afraid to cry and cuddles with men – Zach. He’s not amused. She comes over to him and says zing f-er. He walks away from her and says her ripping him to shreds is nothing that he’s prepared for. She says to get dressed and head to the backyard and says they need to reboot Zingbot.

The yard is now a science lab and the POV competitors are dressed as nerds. She tells them they have to connect circuit breakers to light up lights. She sends Zingbot into the reboot chamber. Frankie wants it bad and so does Cody. Caleb says one of the four bomb squad members has to win it. Frankie is the first t get a board lit and Donny is close behind.

They each complete their second board. Donny is going slow and steady. Frankie says he used to be obsessed with robots as a kid and says he’s got the skills. Christine is clueless and says it’s the hardest challenge to date. Victoria is also clueless and Kathy calls her a dim bulb. Cody is struggling as well. Derrick is wondering why these guys can’t do this competition.

Zach is silently rooting for Donny. Frankie is in a panic because he doesn’t want Donny to lose and then Donny pulls ahead of him. Caleb is finally catching up. He says he’s good at puzzles and lightbulbs. Donny is stumped on his third one and Caleb is pushing hard. Frankie is tied with Caleb. They are both struggling on the last one. Frankie almost has it.

He goes back and realizes one if his connections fell out. He goes to tighten it and races back to push the button. He’s won the power of veto. Kathy puts it on him and he’s so happy to have won his first POV and says he now has all the power. Cody is upset that he blew the chance to save himself. Caleb wants him to give it to him and Zach is worried that Frankie won’t have his back.

Zingbot goes through his reboot and comes back out. He tells Frankie it’s a nice tan and says he can’t believe he gets any sun with how much time he spends in his sister’s shadow. Zingbot says there’s not one unattractive man there except Derrick. He tells Donny his look is very Duck Dynasty but it’s too bad his social game is like Suck Dynasty.

Zingbot tells Cody he’s so nice that he hasn’t made any enemies except Christine’s husband. Caleb says that was one of the best zings ever on BB. Cody insists they are just really good friends. Kathy says Zingbot is now fixed and tells them all when they get out to download her new comedy album. She and Zingbot head out.

Back in the house, Zach hugs Frankie. Frankie says he just wanted Kathy Griffin to put it on his neck. Caleb comes up and they talk. He asks if they will both promise to keep him safe next week. Zach laughs and says at least for the next two weeks. Frankie has been thinking about who to send home – he wonders if he should make a big move and turn on the Detonators.

Cody is looking for his hat and can’t find it. He tells Frankie they have a hat thief. Cody tells Derrick that something is up. Zach says it’s a saboteur. Zach freaks once he notices his gator shirt is missing. Caleb has noticed his boots are missing. They accuse Victoria. Derrick says they need a Neighborhhod Watch and they take the bait. Frankie says his glitter is missing.

Frankie says this is too easy. Frankie asks what a Neighborhood Watch is and Derrick says they need to  take shifts. Everyone buys in really quickly. Zach says he’s not leaving without the head of who took their stuff on a stick. Caleb, Frankie, Cody and Derrick say they will find it. Derrick says in confessional they just have to keep it going for 24 hours.

Two of them are wearing a helmet and on patrol. Zach quizzes Christine. Caleb thinks it’s Zach. He accuses him and Zach laughs and says it’s not but Christine also says it’s him. Zach has no clue and says he can’t prove he didn’t do it. He says he’s going to take a nap and leave them to it. Frankie says this is the perfect opportunity to get Zach out of the game.

Frankie talks about putting a saboteur move and he and Caleb accuse him of putting Christine up as a move. Derrick says he feels a little bad about this but knows it’s the perfect opportunity to get Zach out. Caleb tells him on Thursday he’ll be proven guilty. Zach doesn’t know what to do because people really believe he’s the saboteur.

Caleb and Cody go look in the trash and find some of the stuff. They are ecstatic. Zach is mad and tells them he didn’t do it. Frankie calls him out in front of everyone to perpetuate it. Frankie comes in wearing his glittery vest and puts on his POV medal. He says he loves Zach but says he’s caused a lot of trouble for the whole house and his game.

Frankie thinks he can’t trust Zach anymore and is torn up about it. He calls everyone in for the veto meeting. They come and take seats. Frankie tells Cody and Caleb that he has the power to veto one of them. He tells them he loves them both so much and says to use the POV on Caleb. Caleb leaves the red chair and Frankie puts the medal on him.

Frankie then says his replacement nominee will Zach. He says it’s time for him and Julie Chen to finally meet. He adjourns the veto meeting. That’s it. Frankie says he’s expecting a Zach attack and for him to throw them all under the bus to each other. Cody is annoyed that Frankie used the POV on his man-crush Caleb. He says he’s just hoping no one is lying to him. Zach says he feels betrayed and says it’s the worst feeling in the world.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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