Big Brother 16 Episode 35 Recap Rewind: Week 11 “BB Rewind Live Show”

Tonight on CBS BIG BROTHER returns for an all new episode in their 16th season. On tonight’s episode another houseguest is suppose to be evicted from the Big Brother house, but we know the BB rewind is going to come into play and all the results from the past week are going to be nullified tonight.

On the last episode, Frankie called for the Veto competition and announced that everyone would play but they would play one at a time in the backyard. Outside we see a #BBFreakShow set up. Caleb is out first and says any clowns will freak him out and get a judy chop (yes judy, not judo). He says there are different freakshows. Each freak is made of three faces and they have to figure out which three house guests make up each freak. In the end, Frankie won the POV and opted not to use it. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we recapped it all, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode another house guest is suppose to be eliminated from the Big Brother house. But, there was a rewind this week and all the the results are to be cancelled.  That means we are probably going to have another HoH competition tonight.  What do you think the rewind is going to do to the game?  Is it going to shake things up for the final contestants?

Big Brother 2014 airs tonight at 9pm with another great episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you? Are you excited about Big Brother?

RECAP: There’s just 35 minutes left before the #BBRewind hits. On tonight’s #BB16, the big twist tied to this button will be revealed. Meantime, Cody and Victoria are still on the block because Frankie decided not to use his Power of Veto. Frankie whispers something we can’t hear and Victoria is in tears. Frankie chats idly about mayonnaise and eating so much his heart stops. Frankie tells her not to cry and be down and goes to hug her. He says it’s dangerous for his game to keep her because he says the others would want to take her to the finals over him so he wants her gone.

Victoria is upset and says the guys have that bros before blank relationship so she’s certain they are going to send her packing. Derrick hugs her too. He tells her to go try and change their votes. He tells Frankie he’s just trying to give her hope since they don’t know what’s going to happen with the button although secretly Derrick also sees her as the target. Victoria asks why Frankie is acting like he’s Team Cody.

Derrick says Caleb is a big fan of Cody’s and Frankie doesn’t want to cause a rift with Caleb. He’s trying to protect himself in case of the twist and so she talks him up positively up at the jury house. He tells her to campaign to Caleb to get his vote. She says she wonders if she had the veto if it would have changed. Derrick tells her the button is going to change the game and she could go from on the block to in power.

Cody and Caleb play pool while Derrick chats with them about the button. Derrick says Frankie is totally paranoid right now. He’s trying to sway them to stick with him and go after Frankie next. They say if Frankie keeps winning comps, no one will be able to beat him. Cody is in the shower when Caleb comes in. Cody has his eyes closed washing his hair and Caleb creeps closer. When Cody opens his eyes, he’s startled and curses. LOL.

Frankie asks Derrick if he’s talked to Cody and Derrick says he thinks it’s an unwritten thing between Frankie, Caleb and Cody. He says they all like each other, but see each other as threats. Derrick is sowing seeds of doubt about them being bigger threats than him. He says Caleb is the guy to beat this year since he’s said one thing and done another and also won a lot of challenges. Frankie says he knows Derrick is strategizing.

Derrick goes to Victoria and reminds her that she’s a jury vote if she leaves. He says if people think he has her vote, they will go after him. He asks her to run a scam with him. He says he can tell people he’s not going to vote for her and she can act pissed at her. She smiles and wants to play along. Victoria says she can fake cry and Derrick tells her to do it up. Victoria says if it’s not her that wins, it has to be Derrick.

She’s totally on board with helping him. Upstairs, Victoria goes to see Frankie and says Derrick told her he’s not voting to keep her because he has to be loyal to the guys. She cries and says she’s mad and doesn’t like him or respect him. She says she’s so hurt. She says she feel super betrayed. Frankie hugs her and tells her it’s okay. Frankie actually has tears in his eyes. Frankie goes to Derrick and tells him Victoria is hurt. Derrick says it is what it is.

Derrick is pleased and tells Victoria that Frankie totally bought it. He leaves quickly before anyone sees them talking. They get a notice that the next live show begins in 48 hours. Victoria screams and the others run around. They tell all the guys then run to the game room. The timer for the button is also two days. Frankie says he’s losing his mind because the eviction is coming a day early. He hopes it doesn’t mean anything bad for his game.

Derrick hopes this will be the last big twist of the season and that he’s closer to winning. Cody says he thinks they’ll be done by Sunday. He’s worried. He says he thinks they are cramming the rest of the season into one week. Victoria is also freaking out over the early elimination. Caleb says maybe they have celebrities coming in to compete against them. He’s hoping for Mila Kunis to come in and he gets to marry her. What a nut.

Julie greets the house guests and asks what they think the button means. Caleb says he hopes a truck drives through the front door full of money. She tells him not to hold his breath. Derrick says he knows it had to be pushed but would have liked to wait longer. Frankie says it was a magical experience to be part of Jeff and Jordan’s engagement on the BB set. He says it brought joy into his heart.

Julia also mentioned the “rodent infestation.” She shows them running around and Cody standing on the chair. She asks Cody what’s up with him and he says they bite and he doesn’t want rabies. She tells them that the house is one of the messiest in the history of Big Brother. Victoria says the biggest slob is a tie between Caleb and Frankie. She says they leave toenails lying around.

There’s hollas for Derrick from some of the former house guests. He gets a Fruit Loop dingus holla and one from Donny. At the jury house, it’s Zach’s birthday and they give him a present. It’s a pink hat and he’s thrilled. Zach laughs and says he got a new hat and Victoria shredded hers. They wonder who will be next and Hayden says he hopes it’s not Nicole. She shows up and says she’s back. Hayden tells her she looks hot. She says she couldn’t win and they were all against her.

She says it was a double eviction and someone else is coming. They all say they hope it’s Christine. They watch the show and laugh at Victoria falling all over on the slippery challenge. Then they get to see Nicole’s elimination. She tells them they were brutal to her. Hayden sees Christine win POV and says he hates her. Hayden tells her she looks terrified but hot.

Nicole says the guys are down to the final four. They talk about how Derrick is playing a great game and that he and Frankie make all the moves. Donny also says he hopes it’s Christine and says he doesn’t like the way she plays this game. The car pulls up and it’s Christine. No one says much to her. They all give her the cold shoulder. Christine says no one is looking at her and she knows she messed up. She tells them she brought a DVD of the show.

They see Christine get booted from the show and Zach high fives her for walking out. Nicole says it was nice to see her get what was coming to her. She also tells them about how loudly she got booed and Hayden says he knows it was because of her thing with Cody. They all discuss how good of a game Derrick is playing. Christine says she’s impressed with him and calls him a stinker butt. Donny says Frankie has won 50% of the comps and is very social. They think it will be Frankie versus Derrick and who can bring along Victoria.

It’s time for the live voting and there is just three and a half minutes left on the button clock. Julie tells Cody and Victoria to have their last say. Cody says hi to his family, congratulates Jeff and Jordan, compliments Julie and tells the guys to stick with him. Victoria says thanks to her family and then tells the guys she’s had a good time and treating her like a princess. She tells Derrick she will never forgive him and wishes the others good luck.

Caleb and Derrick will vote and Frankie will only vote in case of a tie. Derrick goes in first but the diary room door is locked and a timer goes off. Red lights flash and an alarm. Julie says she’ll be back soon to explain the button and says it will affect their game and their life in the BB house. They are all floored. Derrick says he thinks it’s a reset and Victoria asks for her suitcase a couple of times. Julie comes back and tells the house guests that the button caused the #BBRewind. She says they are all about to time travel.

We see footage play back to the last HOH challenge. Julie says they all just went back and the game has been rewound one week to the last HOH competition and they will replay the entire week. She tells Cody and Victoria they are no longer on the block and Frankie is no longer HOH. He yanks the key off and says – take it. They will do the Seed Saw HOH competition again and Derrick is once more not eligible to compete.

Julie also tells Cody he has to go back into the dinosaur suit after the challenge. He pulls a face, not happy to be a T-rex again. They all go off to change. Julie says there are only two weeks left in the game and that means a lot of pressure. She welcomes Dan Giesling. He says the alliance has been really strong and he’s surprised that none of them have turned on each other yet. He says it’s going to be interesting to see who takes the first shot.

He thinks Frankie will go after Derrick because he’s the only one that knows how dangerous he is and what a good game he’s been playing. Dan says he would have pushed the button in a heartbeat. Julie asks if Derrick has done too good a job. Dan says he has been working 24/7 and he wonders if he’ll have enough time to explain to the jury what he’s done in the short time he’s allowed.

She asks about the Dan Giesling comparison and Dan says he’s cheering for him to win and he sees how well he’s done. He likes the comparison. It’s time to re-do the seed challenge and Julie calls it Groundhog Day. She reminds Derrick he can’t compete. They start and you can tell they all learned a lesson from last time. Frankie is doing as well as he did last time and starting off strong. But the others catch up quickly and it’s a four way tie. Then Cody and Frankie pull ahead.

The house guests are all boogying along with their seeds. Julie says we’ll see more of the rewind on Sunday and the jury also will visit the house. Then on Wednesday a live eviction plus a special episode on Friday. Julie says on the The Talk tomorrow she’ll let tarantulas climb on her face. She says she can do one giant one or several smaller ones and tells us to tweet her @JulieChen and #TheTalk and vote for large or small spiders.

They rejoin and everyone is doing well. She says there is something missing from last time and the rain starts in. Frankie thanks her and Julie wishes them goodnight.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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