Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Battle Of The Block Results Are In – Find Out Which Two Players Are Up For Eviction!

Big Brother 16 is here! Spoilers teased that this would be the most twisted summer yet, and they weren’t exaggerating. Sixteen houseguests moved into the BB16 house this week, and they have already crowned two HOHs: Frankie Grande and Caleb Reynolds. According to spoilers, the four nominees for eviction will be announced on Sunday, June 29th. But, if you have been watching the live feeds, then you already know that Victoria, Brittany, Paola, and Donny are up for eviction.

Big Brother spoilers revealed there would be a new twist during Season 16, and the four nominees will have to compete against each other in the Battle of the Block competition. The all-new competition is set to air on Sunday’s episode; however, the results are already in. Victoria, Brittany, Paola, and Donny fought tooth and nail for their safety in the house, and Victoria and Brittany came out on top. So, Victoria and Brittany are no longer up for elimination, and Frankie Grande’s reign of Head of Household has ended.

Donny and Paola are currently the only two players up for elimination now; however, that could all change after the Power of Veto competition. If Donny or Paola win the competition, then they will be able to save themselves from the block, and Caleb Reynolds will have to nominate another player in their place.

Have you been watching the BB16 live feeds? Are you surprised that Victoria and Brittany won the Battle of the Block competition? Do you think Donny or Paola will be the first houseguest eliminated from Big Brother 16? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and don’t forget to check CDL for all of your Big Brother spoilers.

Amanda Austin:
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