Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Christine Wins Power of Veto Week 10 – Caleb Backdoors Frankie Or Will Nicole Be Evicted?

Week 10 of Big Brother 16 spoilers began rather predictably it has potential to really heat up before the double live eviction episode on Thursday September 4. Week 9 of this season 16 of Big Brother came to a close with Donny’s live eviction. The remaining houseguests headed to the backyard to compete in the Week 10 Head of Household competition after saying their goodbyes. Although the HOH competition was an endurance competition and lasted long after the live episode ended, Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds revealed that Caleb was crowned the Week 10 Head of Household.

Going in to the Week 10 nominations ceremony, it was pretty obvious Nicole was going to find herself back up on the block. As reigning Head of Household, Caleb decided to put Christine up for eviction alongside Nicole. Although the Power of Veto competition won’t air on CBS until Wednesday September 3, Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds have revealed that Christine came out victorious and won the Week 10 POV. Christine hasn’t held the official Power of Veto ceremony yet, but it’s safe to assume that she will use the POV to save herself.

If/when Christine uses the Power of Veto to save herself, Caleb is going to have to nominate another houseguest to take her place on the chopping block alongside Nicole. With Christine winning the POV and Nicole already up on the block, Caleb is going to have to nominate Victoria, Derrick, Cody, or Frankie for eviction. The odds of Caleb nominating Derrick or Cody for eviction are slim to none, meaning that it will most likely be Victoria or Frankie that Caleb puts up for eviction. Big Brother 16 spoilers tease that there is some rumbling in the house about Frankie Grande being back-doored this week and sent home instead of Nicole. The vibe in the Big Brother House right now is that Frankie will be back-doored and go home!

So Big Brother fans, who do you think Caleb will put up for eviction alongside Nicole, Victoria or Frankie? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more Big Brother 16 spoilers.

Update: Frankie convinced Caleb he’ll take him to the final 2 so Caleb, the genius, didn’t backdoor Frankie and nominated Victoria to join Nicole on the block for eviction at the POV Ceremony.

Amanda Austin:
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