Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Derrick Made a Mistake With HOH Final 4 Nominations – Cody Better Choice Than Caleb?

Big Brother 16 is nearing the end with the final four of Derrick, Victoria, Caleb and Cody left in the house. Derrick won the Final 4 HOH and is sitting in a phenomenal place to win this game. As expected, he put up Victoria and Caleb. While on the surface this seems like a pretty obvious move, that could actually be why it was a bad one. Putting up Caleb alongside Victoria was not the best move for Derrick and that surprises me.

Big Brother 16 spoilers show Derrick always does what is best for Derrick.

How was it a mistake? Bottom line, Caleb is a beast in competitions. Cody would have pitched a major fit if he had been placed on the block, but he would have been recoverable. When you put Caleb against the wall is when you get his best. Think about this.

When veto rolls around, who would you want to have to win the veto? Cody or Caleb?

Caleb is the easy choice. He will wipe the floor with the veto in all probability. This means he will pull himself off and Cody will go up. At that point, Cody will probably go home unless the Hitmen (Derrick and Cody) can convince Caleb that he wasn’t going anywhere.

One has to look at the end game for Derrick to understand why this was a potential mistake. No matter how loyal Derrick appears to Cody, he is looking to send him home too if he gets the chance to keep Victoria. No way he would play this entire game the way he has and not take the opportunity to ensure victory. Truthfully he would beat either of them but Victoria would be an epic slam dunk one would think.

The odds of Caleb losing the Veto is fairly small and when he does, he is going to be pissed at Derrick. He may not show it, but he will be looking to take him out. Caleb left in the house would scare me as Derrick far more than Cody.

Hopefully Derrick has a plan and will pull out some veto magic. Otherwise, we could see some serious changes in the game. These guys have managed to pull out victories when they had too, and this might work out just fine. I would just play the odds a little better. Derrick usually does but I am not sure he thought this one through. It feels like he took what he perceived to be the easy road. That might come back to bite him in the end.

Look out for Beast Mode Cowboy!

Update: as nice as this analysis is it is now moot. Cody won POV – to read the details click here!

Rodney Southern:
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