Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Derrick is Who Won Round 2 Final HOH – Meets Cody HOH Round 1 Winner in Round 3 Final HOH Competition

Big Brother 16 spoilers revealed that during September 17 live eviction show, Caleb was voted out of the house, and the official final three are: Derrick, Cody, and Victoria. Now that we are down to the final three the Big Brother schedule is changing. On Friday September 19th the final Head of Household competition is set to air on CBS. The final HOH competition is crucial and the winner will get a guaranteed spot in the final two and decide who they are taking to the final two with them. On Wednesday September 24th the Big Brother 16 finale will air, and either Victoria, Cody, or Derrick will go home with half a million dollars.

According to Big Brother 16 spoilers, the final head of household will be three rounds of competition, and the person who wins the first round will automatically move on to round three. The two losers of the first round will face off in the second round to see which one of them will be moving on to the third round. Big Brother spoilers from the CBS live feeds reveal that the final three have already competed in the first round of the HOH competition, which was an endurance race to see which player could hang on to a hang-glider the longest. Victoria dropped first, followed by Derrick, so Cody was the winner. Now, Victoria and Derrick are set to face off in the second round together.

Cody has been a force to reckon with when it comes to competitions, so we aren’t exactly shocked to see that he won the first round of HOH competitions. It will be interesting to see Victoria and Derrick go head to head because the second round will most likely be a memory or “brain game.” Although the odds of Victoria winning are slim, she may pull off a miracle and surprise all of us. If Cody goes all the way and wins the third Head of Household competition, it will be interesting to see who he takes to the final two with him. He has had a final two deal with Derrick since the game began, but the odds of the jury choosing him over Derrick are slim. He may shock everyone and send Derrick home and take Victoria with him to the final two.

Who do you think will win the final Head of Household competition? If Cody wins do you think he will stay true to his word and take Derrick with him to the final two? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more Big Brother 16 spoilers and recaps.

Update: Derrick won the final HOH competition Round 2 last night after the live show. This means that Cody and Derrick face off in Round 3 of the final HOH week 13 competition – the winner in Round 3 chooses who they take with them to the final 2. Looks like Victoria’s only chance is a fracture in the Hitmen’s Final 2 pact! Do you think that the round 3 winner, the final Head of Household for Big Brother 16, either Cody or Derrick, will stick to their pact and bring the other with them to the final?

Amanda Austin:
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