Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 12 HOH Caleb Nominates Frankie and Victoria for Eviction at Nomination Ceremony

Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 12 HOH Caleb Nominates Frankie and Victoria for Eviction at Nomination CeremonyBig Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 12 HOH Caleb Nominates Frankie and Victoria for Eviction at Nomination Ceremony

Well, Week 11 of Big Brother 16 will easily go down in Big Brother history as the most boring week ever of the CBS reality TV show. Big Brother 16 spoilers from the live feeds revealed that the houseguests had pushed the Big Brother Rewind button at the beginning of Week 11, which meant that all of the competitions and nominations during Week 11 did not mean anything and the players would have to rewind and play all of the same competitions during Week 12.

Big Brother spoilers from the September 10th episode of BB16 reveal that Julie Chen broke the news to the houseguests that no one would be evicted during Week 11, and they would have to redo the Head of Household and Power of Veto competitions for Week 12. Naturally, Frankie Grande was not a happy camper, after all he had won both the HOH and POV, and the odds of him being able to pull that off two weeks in a row would be slim to none.

Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds reveal that after BB16 went off the air the houseguests finished the Week 12 Head of Household competition, and the winner is Caleb! The houseguests are down to the final five players, so Caleb doesn’t have a whole lot of options as to who he will put up on the block. It’s probably safe to say he will nominate Victoria for eviction, but it’s anyone’s guess who he will put up with her, Frankie, Cody, or Derrick? Caleb has been pretty loyal to Frankie since day one, but Derrick is extremely manipulative, so he might be able to convince Caleb to spare himself and Cody and put Frankie up on the block.

Who do you think Caleb will nominate for Week 12 eviction? Are you as annoyed as we are that we have to see all of the same competitions we seen last week played again? Share your thoughts and Week 12 predictions in the comment section below and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more Big Brother 16 spoilers.

Update: Frankie and Victoria are nominated for eviction by Caleb – despite Caleb’s bond with Frankie Derrick was able to manipulate the Nomination Ceremony and get Caleb to turn on his ‘friend.’ To read all the details Click Here!

Amanda Austin:
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