Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Who Won HOH – Frankie Wins Week 11 Head of Household Competition

Big Brother season 16 spoilers tease that week 10 will come to a close on Thursday, September 4th with a live double eviction. The week started off extremely predictable when Caleb won Head of Household and nominated Nicole and Christine for eviction. But, Big Brother 16 spoilers from the live feeds revealed that Christine won the Power of Veto. She obviously used the POV to save herself, so Caleb had to make another nomination, and he decided to put Victoria up on the block alongside Nicole. So, going into the week 10 live evictions, Nicole or Victoria will be voted out of the house.

According to Big Brother 16 spoilers from the live feeds, it’s not looking good for Nicole. The house has already made up their mind to vote to evict Nicole. Actually, Derrick has already told his minions he wants Nicole gone. BB16 spoilers from the live feeds reveal that Nicole has pretty much accepted her fate, and decided to spend her last night in the house getting drunk and telling her fellow co-stars how she really feels. She bickered with Derrick about strategy and game talk, and laughably asked Caleb why he calls himself “Beast Mode Cowboy” — because he hardly ever wins anything.

It’s basically set in stone that Nicole will be evicted during the live episode of Big Brother on Thursday, September 4th, but the real question is who will join her? Big Brother spoilers have revealed that week 10 of BB16 is a double eviction week. So, after Nicole is voted out, the houseguests will compete in another Head of Household competition, put two nominees up for eviction, compete in a POV competition, and evict another houseguest before the one hour episode is over.

The houseguests have already figured out that this week is a double eviction week, so Derrick has been prepping all of his minions and informed them that, no matter who wins HOH, their target is Christine. The only way Christine won’t be going home tonight with Nicole is if she manages to win HOH or POV.

Have you been following Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds? Who do you hope to see go home during week 10 evictions? Do you think that Nicole will be able to pull off a miracle and convince the houseguests to save her and evict Victoria, or is her fate sealed? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more BB 16 spoilers.

Update: Exactly as predicted Nicole and then Christine were the houseguests who were voted out and evicted in the week 10 double eviction – check out our live detailed recap for the entire play-by-play of the double eviction show – click here.

Update: Frankie won the week 11 HOH competition – we’ll be bringing you all the live feed details in a bit. Click Here for all details.

Amanda Austin:
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