Season 16 of Big Brother is proving to be full of action this summer, and week 3 in the BB16 house has been full of excitement. If you have been watching the live feed spoilers online, then you are well aware that Donny won the Power of Veto this week. The HOH Derrick’s ultimate goal was to back-door Devin and get him out of the house, but with Donny holding the POV, it was up in the air whether Devin would make it up on the chopping block.
After mulling over his decision for a few days, it was time for the Power of Veto ceremony. The houseguests gathered around in the livingroom today, to see whether or not Donny would use the POV to save Jocasta or Caleb from eviction. Donny announced that he would use the POV to take Jocasta off the block, and Derrick predictably nominated Devin to take her place.
So, everything seems to be going according to plan, and Caleb and Devin are now up for eviction, one of them will be heading home after the live eviction on Thursday July 17th. Everyone seems to be on the same page and plans to vote out Devin, but that could change at any moment. Caleb is a strong player in the BB16 house, and if he isn’t voted out this week, the houseguests may not be able to get him back on the block again before the season is over.
It will definitely be interesting to see if Devin is actually voted out, or the BB16 players have a sudden epiphany at the last minute and decide to vote out Caleb instead. Do you think it is a done deal and Devin is definitely going home this week, or could the houseguests decide to vote out the pawn Caleb instead? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL for all of your Big Brother 16 spoilers and recaps.