Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Frankie Saves Caleb Backdoors Zach – Week 8 Veto Results – Frankie Wins POV

Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Frankie Saves Caleb Backdoors Zach - Week 8 Veto Results - Frankie Wins POVBig Brother 16 Spoilers: Frankie Saves Caleb Backdoors Zach - Week 8 Veto Results - Frankie Wins POV

Week 8 of Big Brother 16 is officially underway, and according to Big Brother spoilers from the live feed the houseguests have completed the Power of Veto competition. Going in to the POV competition, Frankie was the reigning Head of Household, and Caleb and Cody are up for eviction. Spoilers reveal that the following houseguests competed in the Week 8 POV: Frankie, Caleb, Cody, Donny, Christine, and Victoria. We have no idea what the players did for the competition, but live feed spoilers have revealed that Frankie won the Power of Veto.

Frankie Grande holds all of the power in the Big Brother house this week 8, as acting Head of Household and the Power of Veto holder. Before the POV competition, Frankie seemed set on the idea that if the veto was used he would back-door Victoria. However, BB16 spoilers on the live feeds are revealing that now Frankie is discussing with Caleb that he might use the Power of Veto to back-door his old BFF Zach Rance.

Julie Chen recently revealed that whoever is evicted this week will have a chance to complete against Hayden, Nicole, and Jocasta to enter back in to the Big Brother house. If Victoria is back-doored and has to compete with the other evictees to get back in to the house, then she doesn’t stand a chance considering her competition track record. However, if Frankie sends Zach home this week, then there is a huge chance he could turn around and come right back in to the Big Brother house and he will surely be gunning for Frankie.

What do you think about the Power of Veto competition results? DO you think Frankie will leave his nominations as they are, or back-door Victoria or Zach? Share your predictions in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL for all of your Big Brother 16 spoilers and recaps.

Update: at the Power of Veto Ceremony Frankie saved Caleb and backdoored Zach – in fact you could say he stabbed Zach in the back when he put him up for eviction along with Cody – to check out all the details of the PoV Ceremony click here. 

Amanda Austin:
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