Big Brother 16 Spoilers – POV Ceremony Week 10 Results – Does Frankie Finally Getting Backdoored?

For those that are following the Big Brother 16 live feeds, we already know that Christine woke up out of her season long slumber and actually won POV competition Week 10! Christine has won the Power of Veto competition and will likely now remove herself from the block alongside Nicole. Caleb, who put her there, will have to now put up Derrick, Frankie, Victoria or Cody.

Is is time to finally give Frankie the backdoor he has been deserving all season long?

If you listen to the house at the moment that answer is yes. Frankie has spent the entire season being the instigator behind the scenes. He has had his hands in pretty much everything that has happened in the house and he has to know it is eventually catching up to him. You can’t play that many angles in the house and not eventually get burned, although Derrick is doing a pretty good job of it so far.

Frankie has been a bit aloof and has rubbed much of America the wrong way this season. With an over-inflated sense of self, he seems to think he is untouchable. Although likable at times, his personality does not come across well on the show. When you watch on the feeds, you really begin to see the scheming up close. Frankie is a great Big Brother player.

Though he is not my cup of tea, he is a serious threat to Caleb. Caleb is the man in charge right now, so he needs to make a good decision. The entire season has been played safe and now is the time to strike. If he is not going after Frankie, then Derrick should be his next target. If he goes after Victoria, I might just cry.

Frankie is the primary threat in my view because I think Derrick will be easier to pick off later. Frankie worries me far more in competitions. As for the others that Caleb could put up, there would be little point. Cody and Victoria are not going to win and would be great choices to sit beside at the end.

Frankie has accomplished much during Big Brother and will only enhance his situation when he gets out. Can you imagine the boom his YouTube account is going to experience? Frankie is already rich and though he wants to win for charity, he stopped short of giving many details about that. I would much rather see the money go to someone like Derrick who has a family and is not well off.

Regardless, this week needs to be a week of the backdoor. Who is it going to be, readers? Derrick, Victoria, Cody or Frankie?

Update: Naturally, at the Power of Veto Ceremony Christine took herself off the block. Although Derrick was pushing to backdoor Frankie he was unable to influence Caleb! Caleb listened to Frankie over Derrick and selected Victoria to join Nicole on the block for eviction Thursday. Frankie convinced Caleb that he would take him to the final two so Caleb didn’t backdoor him! So the POV Ceremony wound up with Nicole and Victoria as the final nominees for Week 10 – note that this week there will be a double eviction Thursday so nobody is 100% safe!

CDL Intern: