Big Brother 16 Spoilers Week 2 Nominations: Paola, Brittany, Hayden, Nicole Revealed as Nominees

Last night Big Brother aired it’s first Eviction episode, did you get to see Joey exit the Big Brother house? If you missed it, you can read our full and detailed recap right here. After the eviction, the HOH competition was held and there were two winners crowned. Amber won for the sorority sisters and Cody won for the fraternity brothers; but he didn’t hold on to his HOH crown for long because host Julie Chen announced that he fouled by stepping down before hitting the buzzer during the competition and disqualified him, Devin was put up as a replacement HOH.

Quickly after the show aired, BB didn’t give the new HOH’s much time before they had to come up with their nominees and we have all the spoiler details right here.

In a surprise move, Amber put up Hayden and Nicole – two random people. Well not really a surprise to Devin who encouraged Amber to put them up.

Meanwhile, Devin cut a deal with Paola that he would put her up and she would throw the Battle of the Block competition so the nominations would stay the same, in exchange he would guarantee her safety; he put up Paola and Brittany. Devin’s real target is Brittany, he wants the mommy of three out of the house because she was a part of Joey’s failed all girl’s alliance.

Caleb, the self-proclaimed metrosexual and Devin are in control of the house; it almost like leading the lambs to the slaughter. I kind of feel sorry for the rest, nah just kidding…this is Big Brother after all and exactly what us die hard fans have come to expect.

On to the Battle of the Block competition, Devin’s evil plan plays out exactly as he planned. Hayden and Nicole win and take themselves off the block. Paola throws the competition and both she and Brittany remain.

The most annoying thing about the coming week of BB, Devin and his gigantic ego will be the sole HOH; caution for an unbearable week of BB ahead!

Dorothy Gale:
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