Big Brother 16 Spoilers Week 8 Veto Ceremony Results – Frankie Saves Caleb Puts Zach Up For Eviction With Cody

Big Brother 16 spoilers from the live feeds revealed that Frankie Grande was the most powerful player in the BB16 house. Grande won the Week 8 Head of Household competition, and after the Battle of the Block competition he remained the solo HOH for the week. Big Brother spoilers have revealed that not only was Frankie the Head of Household, but he also won the Power of Veto. Frankie toyed with the idea of back-dooring Victoria, and then announced he was going to save Caleb and place Zach Rance up on the chopping block in his place.

According Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds, on Monday August 18th Frankie Grande held the Week 8 Power of Veto Ceremony. Frankie used his Power of Veto to save Caleb, and nominated Zach Rance for eviction, just like he said he was going to. So, going in to Week 8 live evictions, either Cody or Zach will be evicted from the Big Brother house. As of right now, it is not looking good for Zach Rance, and there is a great chance he will be the fourth member of the BB16 jury.

This might not be the end of the line for Zach though, Julie Chen recently revealed that one of the first four members of the BB16 jury will be returning to the house for a second chance to win the half a million dollar prize. If Zach is evicted this week, he will have to compete against Jocasta, Hayden, and Nicole to see which one of them will be given a second chance. Jocasta is pretty much a non-factor regardless of what kind of competition they are playing in, and Hayden doesn’t have a stellar track record when it comes to competitions either. If Zach is evicted, there is a decent chance he could be turning right around and heading back in to the big Brother house.

So Big Brother fans, do you think Zach will be evicted this week, or will he be able to pull off some miraculous campaigning and convince his fellow houseguests to evict Cody? Who do you think will win the jury competition and return to the Big Brother house? Share your predictions in the comment section below and don’t forget to check CDL for all of your Big Brother 16 spoilers and recaps.

Amanda Austin:
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