The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Hope Wants Liam AND Wyatt – Glad She’s Not Pregant – Brooke and Katie’s Rivalry Heats Up


The strife and turmoil within Forrester Creations is finally starting to settle down on the soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful. According to spoilers for for the week, April 14th – 18th it is Spencer Publications turn to undergo a corporate renovation. Bill Spencer learns that the company is in trouble and he makes it his personal mission to regain control of the business. Karen is set to return and Brooke will pressure her to remove her sister Katie from the company.

Spencer Productions won’t be Bill’s only problem this week on B&B. He may finally be in a good place with Brooke, but Quinn isn’t ready to let him go and she is holding their one night drunken stand over his head. Technically Bill didn’t cheat on Brooke when he slept with Quinn because she was engaged to Ridge, but regardless Brooke won’t be thrilled to hear the news and it may cause her to reconsider their reconciliation. According to B&B spoilers week Quinn will strike a deal with Bill and swear to keep their dirty little secret a secret as long as he gives their son Wyatt his last name.

Also this week on Bold and the Beautiful the results of Hope’s pregnancy test will be revealed and we will learn whether she and Wyatt have a baby on the way. Regardless of whether Hope is or isn’t pregnant with Wyatt’s baby, Liam isn’t ready to give up on their relationship yet. He will beg her to reconsider a reconciliation, but Hope turns him down and makes it clear she only has eyes for Wyatt.

Fans over at Soap Opera Spy have strong opinions on the Hope-Wyatt-Liam pregnancy love triangle, if it can be truly be called a love triangle:

I’m betting on Wyatt, don’t like Hope with Liam . But the part of the episode that was totally disgusting was Bill kissing Brooke. Totally gross, fast forward for sure.

Predictable cliff hanger for the weekend. Why would you let your ex boyfriend find out the results at the exact same time you tell the father of the baby. She still loves Liam!

I think it’s time for Hope to put Liam in his place for good!


Hope revealed her pregnancy test results today, April 14, and guess what – Liam was happy and Wyatt was relieved – Hope is NOT pregnant!  At least that’s what she’s saying.

Moving on to other love stories… so, Bold and the Beautiful fans, what do you think of Quinn’s proposition? What is she trying to gain by changing Wyatt’s last name to Spencer? And, do you think Hope is really pregnant or could this just be a false alarm? If Quinn is pregnant how will it affect Hope For The Future and the brand’s message about waiting for marriage before you have sex? Share your thoughts and theories in the comment section below and don’t forget to check CDL each day for more Bold and the Beautiful spoilers.

Update: After Liam kidnapped Hope by stealing Wyatt’s truck and trailer and drove his Malibu place he told Hope how he realized that the pregnancy test showed him how close he had come to losing the love of his life. Well Liam’s love for Hope isn’t really in question, is it? But here’s where today’s (April 15) surprise comes in: Hope says to Liam, “The thought of losing you and closing that door, I cannot imagine that. But I cannot imagine losing Wyatt either.

So there you have it – a true love triangle exists on B&B and Hope herself made it perfectly clear. Who do you want to see Hope wind up with? Vote in our poll below!


Amanda Austin:
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