Bruce Jenner has simply stopped caring what the public is saying about him, and it’s just as well – nobody’s saying anything that’s particularly flattering. In fact, most of the rumors concerning Bruce focus on his sex change, which seems like it’s nearing the end of the process. The guy’s been in the steady process of changing his appearance for, what, a year now? He’s already shaved down his Adam’s apple, feminized his facial features, grown out his hair, started getting estrogen treatments, and is now reportedly obsessed with Spanx.
And even though his family is reportedly begging him to cut his hair, he’s refusing to do it. I don’t blame him – he spent a long, long time growing out his hair, and he’s finally living life the way he wants out, outside of Kris Jenner‘s ridiculous constraints. If the guy wants to become a woman and grow his hair and wear Spanx, so be it.
The sources also claim that Bruce has become obsessed with losing weight, believing that his muscle and excess weight around his belly is taking away from his looks. Uh, has he looked in the mirror lately? I don’t think it’s his weight that’s taking ‘away’ his looks.
Regardless, it’s getting to the point now that if a complete stranger looked at Bruce, they would have a difficult time pinpointing his gender. Ok, maybe it’s not at that point yet. But if Bruce continues the way he’s been going, he’ll get there soon enough. Don’t believe me? Look at recent pictures of him, and tell me that Bruce doesn’t look like a different person.
Image credit to FameFlynet