Bruce Jenner Sex Change: Takes First Big Surgical Step Towards Becoming A Woman – Report

I guess all of those whispers about Bruce Jenner gearing up for gender reassignment surgery are actually true. Kris Jenner’s former whipping boy reportedly underwent a laryngeal shave on Jan. 19th to help make his Adam’s apple look less pronounced. This is generally the first step taken by any men on his way to becoming a woman and according to National Enquirer, Bruce was spotted at The Beverly Hills Surgical Center at the wee hours of the morning so that Dr. Stephen Pincus could perform the procedure.

This s the facial feminization process that comes before gender reassignment surgery and let’s be real here, what man is going to have his Adam’s apple shaved down if they aren’t about to undergo the whole deal? I mean, what guy has ever complained about or even really thought much about his Adam’s apple? Only a guy wishing to be more feminine, right?

Supposedly Bruce was sent home with directions to stay off his feet for the rest of the day and to talk little for a few days. How do you think his kids are reacting to Bruce’s going through with becoming a woman? Do you think Kendall, Kylie, Brandon and Brody Jenner are supportive or are they as freaked out as you know the Kardashian Klan has to be? Can you even imagine Kris’ reaction to realizing that her soon-t-be-ex husband is actually going to have gender reassignment surgery? She’ll find a way to make it about herself even though it’s his body and his life now clearly separate from whatever she is doing. Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet and National Enquirer

Cate Meighan:
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