Big Brother 16 Spoilers News Update: Final HOH Round 2 Derrick Winner, Cody Won Round 1 – Caleb Reynolds Sealed His Own Fate

Big Brother 16 Spoilers News Update: Final HOH Round 2 Derrick Winner, Cody Won Round 1 - Caleb Reynolds Sealed His Own Fate Big Brother 16 Spoilers News Update: Final HOH Round 2 Derrick Winner, Cody Won Round 1 - Caleb Reynolds Sealed His Own Fate

In the world of Big Brother 16, your life is dependant upon how many people you can fool. Caleb Reynolds was voted out of the final 3 largely because he fooled no one. Caleb Reynolds was loyal and stuck to his alliance like glue, but it got him a fourth place finish. What went wrong and how could he have gotten away with something different?

Caleb allowed far too many people to see his hand – From day one, Caleb allowed everyone to see he was a competition beast in Big Brother 16 spoilers. His persona was clearly far more important to him than winning the game. Because of this, everyone saw him as a target right away. He was able to weather things rather admirably given that target, but he still revealed far too many of his strengths early on.

Caleb murdered his reputation with the whole Amber fiasco – People could not help but view Caleb differently when he virtually stalked Amber throughout the house. He tried virtually everything and when that didn’t work, he basically got a bit weird. When people see you in that way, they are not going to forget it. Caleb later showed a much softer, better side of himself in the house but I guarantee the Amber thing hurt his chances as Cody stood there and sent him home. He surely did not forget the way Caleb used to look at him when he hung out with Amber. People are not wired that way.

Caleb never understood that others thought very differently of him – Caleb has had a very high opinion of himself in many ways and some of those ways are legit. He is a beast in competitions and he most certainly has a great build. He is very talented in many ways and has served his country and all of us admirably by all accounts available. That said, he is not everything he puts himself over to be and particularly in the Big Brother game. Caleb always saw himself in a very different way than the rest of the players. When he thought he was safe, he was actually in trouble. When he thought he had an alliance, he actually was being manipulated to do the dirty work. Caleb was not all that he thought he was in this game and he will see that when he watches the show back.

Although Caleb started off as a wholly unlikeable character to many, he really came around for the last month. Over time, he became one of the most enjoyable and hilarious houseguests in some time. Hopfeully the experience will help him to overcome his arrogance and tap into that kinder gentler soul that showed through in the end.

And he stays away from Amber…

Update: Meanwhile the Big Brother 16 game continues with Caleb sitting in the jury and Victoria, Derrick and Cody still competing for the Big Brother prize! In round 1 of the final HOH competition Cody emerged victoriously from a grueling hang gliding competition. Victoria dropped first and Cody outlasted Derrick. This assures Cody a place in Round 3 of the final Big Brother 16 HOH competition.  Derrick won the final HOH competition Round 2 last night after the live show. So it’s Cody and Derrick in Round 3 of the final HOH week 13 competition. Since the winner in Round 3 HOH is the crowned HOH and chooses who they take with them to the final 2, Victoria’s only chance is if Cody or Derrick break the Hitmen’s Final 2 pact! One thing I realized is that if Derrick and Cody really trust each other then why did they NOT simply stop competing once Victoria dropped out in Round 1… answer is that the Hitmen DON’T trust each other 100%! If they did have trust then they would have simply allowed one of themselves to win Round 1 and the other to save all his resources to defeat Victoria in Round 2. Think about it.

Rodney Southern:
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