Camilla Parker-Bowles Cocaine Scandal: Drug Snorted In Buckingham Palace – Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles Outraged

Prince Charles’s second wife Camilla Parker-Bowles is easily the most-hated woman in the United Kingdom. And, Camilla continues to bring shame on the Royal Family and give commoners even more reason to despise her on a daily basis. Camilla Parker-Bowles clearly has no respect for Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Family or the institution of the Monarchy – just recall her long-term cheating affair with Princess Diana’s husband Prince Charles. A shocking new story reveals that Camilla has had shady friends over to the Monarch’s home, Buckingham Palace, and they snorted cocaine in the Palace!

It’s no secret Camilla Parker-Bowles uses her Royal status to befriend celebrities and high-profile socialites, including actor and comedian Stephen Fry. According to the October 27th edition of GLOBE Magazine, “Comedian Stephen Fry rocked the Royal Family when he admitted in his memoirs that he was a drug addict for fifteen years – and had snorted coke in the Palace.” Now, rumors are running rampant that Camilla also used cocaine while entertaining her guest, Stephen Fry, and Prince Charles is livid.

According to GLOBE, Fry was apparently not the only one who was using cocaine in Buckingham Palace, and someone is allegedly still doing so today. The very idea that Camilla Parker-Bowles might have used cocaine, which due to Fry’s revelations is now open gossip, is unacceptable to say the least. The magazine reveals, “Tiny traces of the illicit powder were found by forensic experts in private quarters, the royal stables, and public rooms used by members of the family, servants, and visitors.”

Regardless of whether Camilla herself did cocaine in Buckingham Palace, or just invited over her celebrity friends and allowed them to do it, one thing is for sure, this drug scandal will definitely cause Queen Elizabeth to pick up the pace and try to exile Camilla even sooner than expected. Camilla does nothing but bring shame on Queen Elizabeth and her family, and this latest scandal has surely sealed Camilla’s fate.

Do you think that Camilla Parker-Bowles actually did cocaine, or was it just her friends? Will Queen Elizabeth definitely exile Prince Charles’s wife now? The Queen was rumored to be shopping for a mansion in the Caribbean to send Camilla away to, will Camilla have to leave the United Kingdom? Let us know what you think in the comment section below!

Yellow J:
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