Camilla Parker-Bowles Threatens To Expose Prince Charles’ Gay Exploits In Tell-All Book – Report

Ah, it seems like after a few weeks of better behavior, good old Camilla Parker-Bowles is back to her normal hell raising. Queen Elizabeth had demanded that Prince Charles take his wife to India to dry out but sobriety isn’t something that Camilla favors. Sadly, The Duchess of Cornwall is back to taking swigs from her flask of gin whenever the Royal Family become too much to stomach – which is quite often.

Her favorite fighting point for the last six months has been the fact that Charles is at peace with his son, Prince William, being crowned the next King. Cami thinks that her husband’s birthright should be fought for so that she can be his Queen but Charles could care less. He realizes that the only thing worse than his reputation with the British people is his wife’s and that they need leaders that they can respect, like William and Kate Middleton.

According to the Jan. 27th print edition of GLOBE Magazine the latest blow out between Camilla and Charles ended with her storming out and having the staff pack her stuff so that she could flee to their country home. The duchess has decided that the royals are going to pay for denying her the crown. Either they will shell out upwards of $350 million in a divorce settlement or else she’s ready to dump 30 years worth of secrets into a tell-all book.

Included in the heaping pile of dirt is a detailed account of Charles’ gay exploits as he has confided to Camilla. Obviously that’s not something that the palace wants to see the light of day, whether the allegations are true or not is almost secondary. The whole thing would be embarrassing either way.  Do you think that the queen will decide it’s better to just pay Camilla off to get rid of her? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Image Credit: GLOBE and FameFLynet

Cate Meighan:
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