Casey Anthony Refuses To Answer Questions About Daughter Caylee’s Murder and Disappearance in Court Deposition

Casey Anthony Refuses To Answer Questions About Daughter Caylee's Murder and Disappearance in Court Deposition

The Casey Anthony case has become one of the most widely followed cases over the past few years, with seemingly everyone weighing in with their opinion on Casey’s guilt. However, the first time that Casey was placed under oath and asked about the circumstances surrounding the death of her infant daughter, Caylee Anthony, she clammed up and refused to answer any questions.

Although the case has been going on for a few years, the actual deposition was postponed many times. Casey was initially charged with homicide for Caylee’s death, but the charge was later dropped and Casey was acquitted, leading to a lot of controversy over the decision. And the record of Casey’s deposition on January 23rd only serves to make the decision even murkier.

Transcripts of the deposition were filed last Tuesday, and they reveal Casey’s refusal to discuss her daughter’s death in full detail. According to the Orlando Sentinel [via Radar Online], “Anthony refused to answer many questions, prompting Gonzalez’s lawyers to ask a judge to compel her replies. A hearing on that motion is set for next week.”

Casey also continues to insist that the nanny she once accused of kidnapping Caylee, Zenaida Gonzalez, is not made up. Casey’s defense attorney already explained that she has trouble telling the truth, and everyone had already come to the conclusion that the nanny story was made up. As the prosecutor asked Casey, “So at the time you were making up the entire story [about] Zenaida having Caylee, where was Caylee?”  

Casey then replied, “At the advice of counsel, I decline to answer any questions about my daughter. If you ask me again I will walk out of this room.” Then, when she was asked about her decision to keep Caylee’s death and whereabouts hidden from detectives investigating Caylee’s disappearance, she claimed that it was her ‘personal choice’, refusing to say anything further.

Seriously, do her words seem like the words of an innocent person to you? I’m still shocked that she got acquitted at all, although it’s clearly due to a lack of evidence than anything else. Premeditated murder or not, Casey clearly hid her daughter’s death from the authorities, and if that wasn’t suspicious enough, the circumstances of Caylee’s death are still very suspicious.