CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Recap 11/9/14: Season 15 Episode 6 “The Twin Paradox”

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Recap 11/9/14: Season 15 Episode 6 "The Twin Paradox"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Recap 11/9/14: Season 15 Episode 6 "The Twin Paradox"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Crime Scene Investigation returns with an all new Sunday November 9, season 15 episode 6 called, “The Twin Paradox.” Tonight, frustration mounts for the Crime Scene Investigator as another victim surfaces who is linked to the creepy serial killer Gig Harbor Killer.

On the last episode, Morgan, Sidle and Finlay tried to relax at a forensics conference when a mass shooting occured on site.  Guest castincluded: Marc Vann (Conrad Ecklie), Gillian Vigman (Jane Snyder), Michael Landes (Mark Perlow), Hugh Scott (Cliff Ballard), Victor Mark Brown (Jeff Lasky) and Ron Del Barrio (SWAT Leader). Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Frustration mounts for the CSI team as another victim surfaces and all evidence points to the Gig Harbor Killer. Guest stars include Mark-Paul Gosselaar as twins Jared Briscoe and Paul Winthrop, Mark Valley as Detective Daniel Shaw and Patricia Arquette as Avery Ryan.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Crime Scene Investigation at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new season.

Special Update: CBS has decided to show last week’s episode 5 again rather than the new episode 6. You can check out our recap of this “Girl Gone Wilder” episode above.

Kristine Francis:
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