Demi Lovato Hits Out Against Selena Gomez on Twitter, Former BFFs Now Feuding

Demi Lovato Hits Out Against Selena Gomez on Twitter, Former BFFs Now FeudingDemi Lovato Hits Out Against Selena Gomez on Twitter, Former BFFs Now Feuding

Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez used to be BFFs, but Justin Bieber has slowly and steadily been eating away at all of Selena’s personal and professional relationships. Selena has already consciously uncoupled with Taylor Swift, but it looks like her friendship with Demi has also capsized.

Demi unfollowed Selena on Twitter the other day, posting an image that did all the explaining. You know how they say an image is worth a thousand words? Well, this picture is worth ten thousand, if only for the amount of snark and shade that it contains.

The photo showed Demi swimming away in a series of shots, with the first one reading, ‘Swimming away’, followed by ‘From your bullshit’ and ending with, ‘Bye bitch’. She captioned the photo with another simple ‘Bye’, but it’s more than obvious that she’s referring to Selena – especially as she unfollowed Selena minutes before posting the picture on Twitter.

So what happened? Obviously, every single one of Selena’s problems can be traced back to Justin Bieber, even though she’s incapable of cutting off contact with him. All of her friends are sick and tired of her drama and hypocrisy, and they probably don’t want to be around someone who constantly brings such negativity to everything. It’s also obvious that her friends and family hate Justin’s guts, but Selena’s clearly addicted to him and the lifestyle that she has around him. If that means she loses her friends, so be it. She’s probably stopped caring at this point, even if that’s going to come back and bit her in the ass in the future.

Also, I applaud Demi for not holding back on her feelings – especially since she did it with such obvious snark – but is she one to talk? Wilmer Valderrama anyone? She and Wilmer have had their own share of relationship drama, so can she judge Selena for going through the same thing? I suppose the difference is that Demi didn’t abandon her friends, family, and value system for Wilmer.

Update: Of course now that Demi’s nude pics have been splashed all over Twitter by Wilmer Valderamma (he claims his account was hacked…) perhaps the former cutter, junkie and X Factor judge will shut her mouth and stop acting as if she were superior – she definitely isn’t. The irony of the timing of Demi’s nasty tweet and her being compared unfavorably as a fat fu** to pretty and slender Selena is perfect! Almost as if Selena hacked Wilmer’s Twitter account!!

Siyana Riley:
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