Emma Watson Dating Matthew Janney Oxford Rugby Player

Emma Watson Dating Matthew Janney Oxford Rugby Player

Does anyone else find it interesting that Emma Watson‘s boyfriends all end up being from Oxford? Her previous with relationship with Will Adamowicz also began while they were both studying at Oxford, although that ended on quite the sour note. But fear not, Emma has moved on and to the star of the Oxford Rugby team, no less. According to reports, Emma was spotted making out with an Oxford Rugby team player by the name of Matthew Janney.

For those who haven’t been following the several updates in Emma’s love life, she reportedly broke up with Will last summer. However, sources say it’s more likely that her team told her to break off the relationship after pictures leaked of Will doing cocaine. Despite Will’s pathetic denial to the contrary, it was probably better for Emma to disassociate herself completely to save her image. Besides, who knows – maybe they actually were broken up at this point, just like her rep stated.

Anyway, Emma reportedly met Matthew after a rugby game where Oxford played Cambridge University on December 12th. The two were spotted making out on a romantic vacation in the Caribbean earlier this week, and if it’s being confirmed by so many different sources, you know it’s true. It’s interesting – not only does Emma’s team want you to know that she’s broken up with Will, but that she’s already moved on. Overkill much? I mean, Emma’s not one to kowtow to the media, but her team’s definitely playing this a little more carefully. Oxford rugby star > cocaine user.

What do you guys think of Emma dating the star of the Oxford rugby team? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.