Extant Recap 9/3/14: Season 1 Episode 11 “A New World”

Tonight on CBS Extant returns with an all new episodes called, “A New World.” On tonight’s episode as the offspring’s powers increase, Molly learns about Yasumoto’s painful path to immortality and why he wants to save the offspring. Meanwhile, Anya takes charge when Sparks begins to have doubts about the mission; and Odin tries to secretly access Ethan’s circuitry.

On the last episode convinced the agency had her baby; Molly was determined to find out where. Meanwhile, John discovered new and startling advancements in Ethan’s programming, and Kern held Kryger hostage in an attempt to recover the incriminating video he stole from the ISEA. JoBeth Williams guest starred as Gordon Kern’s mother. Tessa Ferrer returned as Katie Sparks, Alan Sparks’s astronaut daughter. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode, as the offspring’s powers grow, Molly learns of Yasumoto’s painful path to immortality. When Sparks starts to have doubts about the mission, Anya takes charge. Meanwhile, Odin tries to secretly access Ethan’s circuitry.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap let us know how much you are enjoying this new show.

RECAP: Despite his betrayal, Molly still tried to do Yasumoto a favor by warning him. When his people quickly came on the scene right after the shoot-out – she told them how dangerous her son was and had asked to be sent in instead. She knows her son would never harm her, but everyone else on the other hand won’t have that same reassurance. Especially if the offspring feels threatened in anyway.

Regrettably, Molly’s solution was ignored. The men were under orders and their boss was facing his own mortality. So Yasumoto did what he believed was in his own best interest and told his men to collect the offspring at any cost. Any cost ended with everyone that hadn’t ran away the second they got their chance – dying from friendly fire!

The offspring is growing much stronger than anyone had anticipated.

Later Molly attempted to reach him a second time and again he flatly told her that he wants the offspring in his posession and in case she got an ideas – he also mentioned he had her family. Yet that was a lie on his part. His people had told him they couldn’t find Ethand and so Yasumoto only had John to bargain with.

John had helped their son Ethan to escape Yasumoto long ago. He wanted the boy to safe from manipulation so he sent him to what should have been a safe a place – the lab. And although Ethan was supposed to have found Julie – he unfortunately wounded up with Odin who is actually even more dangerous for him than Yasumoto.

Odin eventually betrayed the fragile trust Ethan had put in him. First, he messed with Ethan’s head by turning him against his own father. He mentioned John had once tried to turn Ethan off and then alluded to that being the reason John wanting to speak to Yasumoto alone.

Then he shut down Ethan for a few minutes in order to implant a bomb inside of Ethan’s hardware. It was only after the implantation that he manage to do what he had originally promised and called Julie to tell her to come watch over the little boy. It seems the plan of whatever nut group Odin is a part of requires mass casualties to prove their point so Ethan will be used in the worst way possible all because Odin doesn’t simply want to kill him – he wants to kills others as well.

As for the naive Molly, she continued to hunt for her son in spite of Kern’s misgivings of what to do afterwards. He’s been pretty much changing his mind about the part every other minute but once he saw that the offspring has put his own mother into one of his trances – Kern was reluctant about reuniting mother and son.

Molly though hasn’t changed her mind. To her, her son is scared and in need of a mother so she kept hunting for any side of him until ultimately she was given a clue to what direction the runaway group was heading. She found the hotel they were staying at the same time Dr. Mason (Yasumoto’s man) found her.

Dr. Mason didn’t want a repeat of the last time so he entered the hotel room using Molly as a shield and it still didn’t save him when Sparks shot him dead. Sparks had then told the stunned Molly that everyone else left him there after he had voiced some doubts about what they were doing.

Molly and Kern finally decided to bring in Kern’s man at the ISEA. He promised Molly his friend wasn’t going to try and overpower her right on what to do with her son. And anyways they needed to bring the ISEA up to date on everything that’s been happening underneath the corporation’s noses.

The company did choose in the end to help Molly on her mission to find her son. Though the turning point for them was when they learned that Sparks had been endangering their men and women in space for his own gain. They didn’t know about Katie’s last message and so when they saw it – it came as a blow. They had entrusted Sparks with countless astronauts and he purposely dangled Molly out like someone’s bait.

So she used him. She pretended to have found her son and called Yasumoto to make a trade. Sparks was just used to add weight to the lie. If she found him then she must have her!

Yasumoto gave her back John and then when he realized he’d been had – it was too late. ISEA’s agents picked him and brought him back to headquarters where he then reluctantly confessed to Molly what all of this had been about. As the story goes, Yasumoto found a piece of a meteorite that had special capabilities, similar to the area where the offspring’s presence was first picked up almost like it was that thing’s home planet; back in his youth.

Namely that meteorite, he’s only recently been running short on, has kept him alive for over 140 years. So this manhunt for the offspring was for one thing. It’s the only chance he had left to remain immortal. He used her and committed atrocities practically against all human race simply because he didn’t want to die. Yasumoto sees her child as his last chance and without already harnessing its power – he’s been so far rapidly aging and will die.

Yet here’s the thing, the offspring doesn’t want to be anyone’s savior. He has a plan and Molly didn’t realize that plan also involved her till she caught Sparks try to sneak into ISEA’s computer mainframe. She was able to stop him from going through the plan but he then laughed in her face as he told her she’s already helped their side more than she knows.

Molly had contacted Glass’s ship up in space and brought it to a location hovering over earth. The astronaut thought it was off at the time, but had overlooked it because he though it was sanctioned. It wasn’t.

The offspring took advantage of its mother to bring Glass closer to Katie. Last we saw of her she was pregnant with an “offspring” of her own nearly two years ago. This time though she’s fighting fit and ready to go home now thanks to Glass being so conveniently nearby!

Kristine Francis:
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