Finding Carter Recap 9/16/14: Season 1 Finale “One Hour Photo”

Tonight on MTV Finding Cater returns with an all new Tuesday September 16, Season 1 finale called, “One Hour Photo.”  On tonight’s episode Carter uncovers dark secrets in the Season 1 finale. Meanwhile, Max and Taylor’s relationship reaches its breaking point.

On last week’s penultimate episode Max remained in serious condition and had entered into a coma. His mother, Karen, arrived at the hospital and the tension between Taylor and Carter worsened as Taylor was jealous of Karen’s affection towards Carter. Elizabeth was in charge of the hunt for Crash. Meanwhile, Crash had been trying to contact Carter non-stop before he left town.  Carter then told Elizabeth she knew she was there to protect her. Carter reconciled with Taylor when they went to see Max.  More happened!  Did you watch last week’s episode?  If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode Max and Taylor’s relationship reaches its breaking part.  Meanwhile, Carter uncovers secrets that could unsettle her family.

Be sure to tune in for FINDING CARTER on MTV at 10 PM EST and check here for a live recap of this all new show. Hit up the comments to tell us what you think of this new show called Finding Carter. In the meantime, check out the preview for tonight’s episode below.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Well, Lori was never going to let Carter go without a fight. But her methods only cause more questions instead of answers.

She led Carter into finding some old photos of hers and the photos were of Elizabeth and David back when Elizabeth was pregnant with the twins. Carter was so freaked out that she didn’t even try to hide the photos and just took them to her parents straight away. And leave it to her parents to voice her worst fears on what the pictures could mean – Lori must be obsessed with their family.

With recent evidence to prove it, Lori blatantly stalked them for years and surely it must not have been a coincidence that this woman eventually moved into their neighborhood. It most likely was her plan all along!

But what makes this situation hard on Carter is that she no longer knows if Lori even wanted her when she kidnapped her. For all she knows the kidnapping was more about her parents than it was about Lori wanting a kid of her own. So now Carter doesn’t really care what happens to Lori. Elizabeth has her full permission to conduct a proper investigation and Carter is willing to help with it.

Carter had written her mom off just like she wrote off Crash. And though Elizabeth normally would have been pleased to see Carter put these kind of people behind her – a random phone call asking about possible therapy for Carter reminded her that Carter has been through a lot. Also it would be healthier on Carter if she had someone to talk to. Max had woken up but he still isn’t fully healed yet.

So Elizabeth agreed to arrange a counseling session. After all she thought the session would be above board. However it ended up being a ruse!

Lori only pretended to be counselor in order to get inside of the house and see Carter. Regrettably, Carter was home by herself so she couldn’t sound the alarm. Especially as her “mother” never gave her a chance to be alone.

Lori came in and surprisingly knew where the kitchen was and she basically tried to tell Carter that her parents were lying to her. She claimed she never stalked them and that she knew David and Elizabeth possibly better than even Carter does. Though she kind of made it sound like she took Carter because Carter was owed to her.

Before Lori left, she gave Carter another picture to add to the family collection. This time the picture was only of David. In it he was partially undressed and lying asleep in bed. Lori said she took the picture herself and later when Carter confronted her dad – he denied ever knowing about the picture. So who’s telling the truth?

Max woke up and his body is on the mend but his mind is off somewhere else. He’s mean and he’s yelling at people which is completely abnormal for him. Max is typically laid-back. Yet since the shooting – he’s become angry and he’s taking it all out on Taylor. Once Elizabeth saw that for herself she then tried to talk to her daughter about the dangers of being around Max while he’s like this and Taylor ignored her.

Taylor thinks she’s the only one that can be there for Max so she took an ill-advised leave from school. Though when Max found out about that – he kicked her out of his room and told her to never come back. He didn’t want her lying around the hospital waiting on him and not when he already hating feeling like an invalid as it is.

Afterwards, when he had calmed down, he officially broke up with her. It seems like Max is going home to be with his parents and he didn’t want to tie Taylor down. So he ended things when he got back his bearings.

As for Elizabeth, she got another call from Carter’s “therapist” and this time the woman asked to meet Elizabeth in person. When Carter found out about the meeting – she told her mom about the ploy Lori was using. And so the both of them set up a sting to catch her.

It was supposed to be a quick grab but Elizabeth made the mistake of allowing Carter to be nearby. Lori spot the undercover police and decided to end the charade once and for all by drugging Carter. Then kidnapping her yet again.

Is Carter safe with Lori? Who knows but we’re all going to have to wait until 2015 before we find out the answer!





Kristine Francis:
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