General Hospital Struggles With Bringing Michael Muhney To Port Charles – CDL Exclusive

Michael Muhney was let go from The Young and the Restless about 6 weeks ago after finding himself tangled in a sexual harassment scandal. A fellow actress, Hunter King, accused him of inappropriate behavior, grabbing her breast, twice, and the powers-that-be at CBS sat on their hands until they found a convenient time to fire the actor which has led to a legion of Y&R fans already beginning to boycott their once beloved show. Eventually, even for Muhney, the drama has to settle down and he needs to move on and provide for his family.

Obviously his acting chops are not at all in question and other soaps would be foolish not to seriously consider bringing him on board. Sure, we have heard from Muhney himself about his ego and inflated sense of self. In admitting these things it probably also indicates that he has learned some valuable lessons and will likely approach his next job with a new found sense of humility, which is great. As for the original allegations that he groped an actress twice, well nothing at all has come of it. No police report, no charge, no statement from anyone supposedly involved. Instead it has been rumor, innuendo and speculation. You shouldn’t kill an actor’s career based on those things, right?

Well the powers-that-be over at General Hospital are said to agree with that notion and think Muhney’s skills would fit in fabulously with the mob underworld storyline that has been running on the show for decades. They want to give him the benefit of the doubt but now it looks like ABC is a little concerned because they don’t want to send a message of being soft on any potential harassment issues.

So now what? Does ABC agree to take a chance on an actor that will inevitably bring a huge fan following with him or do they air on the side of caution – maybe for nothing?

How do you think this will all shake out? Will Muhney ultimately be relocating to Port Charles or will ABC back away from the idea or decide that more time needs to pass before they are willing to bring him in? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below, or visit our Facebook Page, Soap Opera Spy.

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Cate Meighan:
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