General Hospital Spoilers: Will Ava Jerome Kill AJ Quartermaine In His Hospital Room

AJ -Bed-comaAJ -Bed-coma

This week on General Hospital AJ Quartermaine has been dancing on the fine line between life and death. After a nearly fatal gun shot wound AJ Quartermaine was rushed to the Port Charles hospital, upon arriving he flat lined but doctors were able to revive him, once he was stable he woke up for a grand total of two minutes just to say Julian did not shoot him, and then had a brain aneurysm and slipped into a coma.

Ava Jerome may not have been the one who shot AJ (Sonny Corinthos pulled the trigger), but if it wasn’t for the gun jamming she would have. Ava has a lot at stake, and if AJ wakes up and talks, her entire world could come crashing down around her. Not only did Ava shoot Connie in cold blood, she framed AJ, and tried to convince him that he shot Connie in Sonny’s office. If AJ wakes up he will have a serious score to settle with Ava, he will tell the police that not only did she attempt to shoot him, she also killed Connie. Not only will Ava Jerome be facing prison, she will lose the partnership she has formed with Sonny Corinthos and his son Morgan.

Today on General Hospital Ava snuck into AJ’s hospital room when no one was looking. In a GH spoiler video Ava tells comatose AJ, “this really is the only option.” Then she bends the life support hose in half, cutting off his oxygen supply. In a matter of seconds AJ Quartermaine will be dead, if no one enters his hospital room and stops Ava.

So General Hospital fans, do you think Ava will successfully kill AJ this week on General Hospital, or will his son Michael or one of the doctors rush in and stop her before it is too late? AJ appears to have cheated death multiple times throughout the course of the show, has his luck finally run out? Share your thoughts and theories in the comment section below, and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more General Hospital spoilers.

Amanda Austin:
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