General Hospital Spoilers: Who Is Fake Luke – Is Ava Really Pregnant With Morgan’s or Sonny’s Baby?

General Hospital Spoilers: Who Is Fake Luke - Is Ava Really Pregnant With Morgan's or Sonny's Baby?

General Hospital fans speculated for the last few weeks how Mobstress Ava Jerome would be able to save herself when Sonny learned that she had shot and killed his girlfriend Connie in cold blood. To make matters worse, she framed AJ Quartermaine for the crime, and Sonny shot and killed him as revenge, resulting in the blood of an innocent man on his hands. As predicted when Sonny Corinthos learned the truth about Ava’s crime, he flew off the handle. Ava Jerome had one last trick up her sleeve though.

During the May 29th episode of General Hospital, Ava Jerome revealed she was pregnant moments before Sonny was about to pull the trigger and take her life. GH fans assumed she was lying, and would say anything to save herself, but on the May 30th episode of the soap opera she presented a positive pregnancy test that she had allegedly taken before Sonny arrived. Then, she made Sonny feel guilty by teasing, “This Baby is either yours or your grandchild. So do you still want to kill us?

So, there are two obvious questions on every GH fan’s mind. Is Ava Jerome really pregnant, or did she somehow fake the pregnancy test? If she is pregnant, is the baby Sonny’s or his son Morgan’s? We’re not doctors or anything, and it is just a soap opera, but isn’t it a little soon for Ava to already know she is pregnant? It wasn’t that long ago that she slept with Sonny in the crypt at AJ Quartermaine’s funeral. She also seems a little old to be having children, but then again it is a soap opera and anything is possible. Regardless, if she truly is pregnant, she just bought herself nine more months of life. And, if she isn’t pregnant, then she better pay Dr. Obrecht a visit and get pregnant ASAP.

Also during the May 30th episode of General Hospital, Fake Luke visited with Real Luke in Miscavige and taunted him about his true identity. Fake Luke explained how he became Luke Spencer, “You must be curious, you must be wondering why I’m here. Have to tell you it took a lot of work, I’ve been watching you for years. Getting details of all your sordid life to be able to take over. Then it was the waiting, it was very frustrating. But eventually you did what you always do, you played hero and investigated the noises at the boathouse and found Caroline at the boathouse. Then you got clocked and ended up here with your nemesis Scott Baldwin. That was when I made the switch when you were here with Scott then it was me they freed. And you, you got free to do nothing, but rot!” Unfortunately, he didn’t give any real clues as to who he really is.

So General Hospital fans, what did you think of the May 30th episode of GH? Do you think Ava Jerome is really pregnant? Do you want the baby to be Sonny’s or Morgan’s? And, what about Fake Luke? Who do you think the impersonator really is? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more General Hospital spoilers.