General Hospital Spoilers June Shocker: Billy Miller Cast As Jason Morgan – Update as Fans React

General Hospital Spoilers June Shocker: Billy Miller Cast As Jason Morgan - Update as Fans ReactGeneral Hospital Spoilers June Shocker: Billy Miller Cast As Jason Morgan - Update as Fans React

Remember all of those articles CDL wrote speculating that The Young and the Restless alum Billy Miller joining the cast of General Hospital as Jason Morgan? Well, it turns out we were right, according to TV guide’s soap opera guru Michael Logan. On June 12th, Michael Logan Tweeted, “Billy Miller. General Hospital. Done deal? This is what I’m hearing. #GH.”

Logan’s tweet supports the article in the June 23rd edition of Soap Opera Digest, which teased, “Sources say that GH is close to recasting a pivotal role with a major star.” The pivotal role is obviously referring to Jason Morgan and the “major star” is Billy Miller.

Now, what is interesting is that Logan didn’t mention what character Billy Miller would be signing on as. So, there is a slight chance he may pop up in Port Charles as someone other than Jason Morgan; however, the odds of that happening are pretty slim. The reason rumors have been running rampant that Miller would be playing Jason Morgan are because he is a perfect fit for the role. If thousands of fans noticed that then TPTB at General Hospital most likely did as well.

Billy Miller will be the second The Young and the Restless alum to be picked up by General Hospital in just a matter of weeks. When Jill Farren Phelps took over CBS’s daytime drama The Young and the Restless, cast members began dropping like flies because they were miserable working under Phelps’ command, couldn’t get along with her, or were fired by her.

Soap fans were shocked when it was revealed Michelle Stafford had been signed on to General Hospital after she ended her stint on Y&R. Stafford switching over to GH gave fans a sense of hope that some of their other favorite Y&R actors that had recently left the soap would be heading over to Port Charles as well. The fact that GH has scooped up not one, but two superstars that Phelps lost… is huge!

How excited are you to see Billy Miller take over the role of Jason Morgan as General Hospital? Now that General Hospital has scooped up Billy Miller and Michelle Stafford, does that mean Michael Muhney will be soon to follow? Let us know what you think about the latest cast shake-up in the comment section below!

Fans at Soap Opera Spy are super excited about this development!

I am excited about this! If Michael Muhney follows Billy Miller and Michelle Stafford to Port Charles, this could be the biggest trifecta EVER!

Billy Miller is a GREAT actor. GH can only keep getting better, and better. I look forward to seeing him play Jason. Even though I am new to GH and never saw SB play Jason, I am sure Billy Miller can play Jason or any other character they let him play. Same with Michael Muhney. MM can play any role and do a fantastic job. BM and MM and MS were my three favorites on Y&R. If only I could see all three of them in Port Charles would make me one happy camper. Miss my Muhney but so happy for my Billy Miller. Only love for him and Michael.

Guess I am heading to Port Charles!

I love Billy. And if Steve ain’t coming back Billy will make a wonderful Jason. Y&R made a huge mistake letting him go….

Well I guess it’s official…. I walked when MM walked and started watching Days, I love it!!!
Guess I’m going to have to add another hour to my DVR day!!! Days & General here I come!!!!

YOU SUCK Y&R letting our Billy go… guess I’ll switch and start watching GH now after I’ve been a Y&R fan 20+ years. Love you Billy Miller.

JFP should be dying right now! GH is going to get so good!! Ratings, ratings, ratings!!! Yay, GH!!

Wish Steve had returned, but Billy Miller is AWESOME! I think it will be good. But please don’t cast Hendricks as Robin (as rumored), she doesn’t have the depth.

This is great news and we hope that GH goes for that trifecta (Michelle Stafford, Billy Miller) and finds a place for Michael Muhney in Port Charles!

Amanda Austin:
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