General Hospital Spoilers: Will Damian Spinelli Return During Maxie’s Court Case – Bradford Anderson Interview

General Hospital spoilers have been teasing Maxie Jones’ upcoming court case over her daughter Georgie for months now. The storyline kicked off with Maxie heading to court and Nathan lying for her on the stand to try and sway the judge’s decision, which totally blew up in both of their faces thanks to Levi. Now, Maxie is currently waiting for her next court case which is scheduled for January. However there is a catch, isn’t there always a catch on soap operas? The judge informed Maxie that if she doesn’t stop dating Det. Nathan West – then she can kiss any chances of seeing her daughter Georgie again good-bye.

General Hospital star Bradford Anderson shocked fans of the ABC soap last year with the news that he would be resigning and not renewing his contract. In December 2013 Bradford’s character Damian Spinelli exited Port Charles and traveled to Portland to live with his girlfriend Ellie, and his and Maxie’s baby Georgie. Since Anderson’s GH exit, he did make a rare appearance in May 2014 when Carly and Franco traveled to Portland to enlist Spinelli’s help in decoding the recording on AJ Quartermaine’s phone.

According to the casting news and rumors in latest edition of ABC Soaps In Depth, Bradford Anderson may be making another General Hospital comeback sooner rather than later, which makes total sense since Maxie is gearing up to go back to court. If Maxie is granted visitation of Georgie, this would be a perfect time for TPTB to write Spinelli back in to the ABC soap. And, that is exactly what Bradford is hoping for.

The actor told Soaps In Depth, “I really enjoyed my year with my family. I had a new baby and to be actually home and helping my wife was really cool. But, I am starting to get a little itchy to work.” And when asked if he would be returning anytime soon the actor coyly responded, “I won’t say never, and I have a good line of communication open with the powers that be. They know what I would like, so it’s very possible. Keep a look out, that’s all I’ll say!

If the General Hospital spoilers and rumors currently floating around the internet are accurate, then Spinelli will be back in Port Charles before we know it. And, Bradford’s interview with Soaps In Depth seems to imply the same. What do you think GH fans, do you want Spinelli back? Will he return for just a few episodes, or for good this time? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more General Hospital spoilers and news.

Amanda Austin:
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