George Zimmerman Demands to Fight Kanye West For His First Celebrity Boxing Match

George Zimmerman Demands to Fight Kanye West For His First Celebrity Boxing Match

According to the promoters for his upcoming celebrity boxing match, George Zimmerman wants his chance to fight Kanye West inside the ring. This is a bit new for him. I guess he finally wanted to fight someone that could actually defend themselves. Yes, I know, we could be talking about either one!

Zimmerman allegedly wants to beat up Kanye for picking on paparazzi and innocents such as the teenager who called Kim Kardashian a “N***** lover.”  Never mind the fact that Zimmerman could have easily targeted Alec Baldwin for the same type of behavior. No, our dear friend George had to go and choose the black guy!

What would happen if Zimmerman ever went head to head with Kanye? Think about it for a good hard minute. Two adults, no guns, or surprise assaults. And still the fight will be legendary! TMZ is already promising to livestream it. 

But if we’re telling the truth then these two will probably never even meet in person. Anyone could tell the promoters over at Celebrity Boxing were desperate for ratings the moment they hired Zimmerman in the first place. Using Kanye West’s infamous bullying and temper is simply another part of their agenda to trade off on the Zimmerman name. I understand it but to be honest I was going to watch them anyway.