Graceland Finale Season 2 Recap “Faith” 9/10/14: Episode 13 – Death and Betrayal

Tonight on the USA Network Graceland returns with the season finale episode in its second season called, “Faith.” On tonight’s finale show the agents prepare to take down the Solano Cartel permanently, but Sid has a few tricks up his sleeve.

On the last episode Briggs hunted for a person who may know of his past crimes while the team pulled off a bank heist they hoped would cripple an adversary of Mike’s. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode 13 the agents set their final traps for the Solano Cartel; Sid may have a few tricks up his sleeve.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be a great finale and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of USA Network’s “Graceland” at 10:00 PM EDT! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are for this episode of Graceland tonight. In the meantime, check out the sneak peek below of tonight’s episode.

RECAP: Johnny looks at the money and asks Lucia to tell him there was another briefcase. He looks at the money and curses. He tells her Sid is going to get there and there’s not going to be a briefcase. She asks what he is and he tells her he’s FBI and that he couldn’t tell her until after the arrests. She asks who he’s arresting and he says both Carlito and her dad. He reminds her she didn’t want them anymore but she says she didn’t want them in jail.

He tells her she can’t have it both ways. He says they would have to live hiding and scared and unlucky, they’d be dead. She tells him she can take the briefcase of money back to the house. Briggs rides with Sid and the dirty cops and Sid asks where he lives. He lies and says Playa del Rey not near the water. Martinez and Archie kid him about Malibu pussy. Sid says he chooses exact words and Archie talks out of his ass.

Briggs asks if he feels good about this and Sid he’s never felt better about anything in his life. Mike and his boss watch Sid and the others pass by from their hiding spot. Mike asks to say and see how it plays out but his boss doesn’t want to hear it. He asks what the US attorney said and he says it’s a shit show from day one but if he nails Sid, it won’t matter.

Charlie is slammed into a chair and she tells them she’s not a cop. Amber says she doesn’t know what this is and Charlie asks who the guy is and if he’s the money cleaner. She tells him Amber is a bitch and ran off with her cut. Amber says it’s just about the money. He doesn’t seem to believe her. Amber says she’s taking a walk and Charlie pleads with her then tells her she’s pregnant. The guy says that’s an advantage since she’s got something to lose and Amber tells the guy not to hit her in the stomach. She leaves.

Jakes comes back to Graceland and calls out but no one answers. He kicks off his shoes and grabs a cold beer. Paige startles him and says she has something to show him. She shows him the letter Lina gave her to mail that she didn’t get to. She has him look at the handwriting on the two letters. He says they seem identical and says Lina is alive. She says the second letter is a forgery. She says the letter was folded wrong.

She says that Mike replicated the writing but then folded it wrong. She says it takes skill, time and patience and he had all of those. She says she knows he did it. Jakes asks why he would do this and says if he did, it’s sociopathic then asks if maybe she’s the crazy one. She says she wants to run it for prints but says he’s watching their reports so he agrees to run it where Mike can’t see.

Johnny and Lucia pull up at the house. He tries to get her to take a gun but she says she won’t shoot either her dad or brother. She heads in with the briefcase then Carlito walks up and tells him he needs a favor. He says his dad has a deal at the house and says he’s not welcome. He asks for a ride to town but Johnny says he’s busy. He says maybe his sister can help and walks away. Then Johnny calls him back and tells him he got him. Carlito hops in and they take off.

Jakes tells Mike there is a partial from the letter that match the dead girl’s fingerprints only. He tells her that he didn’t find anything to tie it to Mike. He tells her she should be happy since it looks like Lina is alive. Carlito plays with the radio and lands on a station he likes but Johnny doesn’t like it – Carlito says he should have more cultural pride and Johnny says he’s an American. Carlito says that’s why he chose his job – his real job – Johnny asks what he means and Carlito says his job for the US government.

They pull off the road after a struggle and Carlito pulls a gun on him. He takes Johnny’s gun and he asks how long he’s known. Carlito says just last night and Johnny says if he’s going to do it, do it. Carlito tells him it’s time and presses the gun into the flesh of his face.

The guy works Charlie over and asks if she’s a cop. She says no and begs him. It goes on until Amber tells him it’s enough. Charlie’s face is battered and bloody. Amber pushes and the guy finally stops. She asks Amber why she’s doing this to her. Amber says she got shot and Charlie says it wasn’t her. She tells her the guy is going to work her over til she talks and Charlie says she has nothing to say and that the guy is going to kill her. She screams out that she’s not a cop.

Clark gets a call and curses. He asks if it’s gone national yet. Mike also gets a call saying Charlie never showed up and Mike says to put out an APB and trace the car. Mike says he can handle this from here and Clark says they have to head back to the field office. Clark says Briggs is okay and they can make the arrests tomorrow. There was some sort of explosive found addressed to Clark at the office.

Sid and the others pull up at the house in Mexico when Briggs gets a text. He asks Sid if he can make a quick call and he says it’s about his kid. He gives the okay and Briggs steps away. Sid tucks a gun in his pants as Mike tells Briggs about the bomb scare. Mike says he’s staying and thinks for sure this was Sid. He asks if he’s heard from Charlie and Briggs says no. He pushes and Mike tells him she’s missing. He asks where the hell she is and he says he’s coming back.

He says he’s heading North but Mike says no. Briggs hangs up and peals out. Mike tells Clark he has to go to Tecate and says with no witnesses there to see Sid get the money, they will lose him. Mike says he can’t let him get away again and drives off leaving his boss in a cloud of dust. A car pulls up and Carlito tells Johnny to get out. Lucia is yanked out of the other car and Johnny tells him to leave her out of it.

Lucia tells her brother that their father will be dad soon and he’ll be in charge. Johnny asks Carlito what he wants and says he’ll get it for him. Carlito tells his sister that Johnny is FBI and was going to take them away. She says she’s sorry and he grabs her by the hair and tells Johnny to come closer. She pleads with her brother. He tells Johnny to kiss his sister. He kneels and kisses her. Carlito tells him to kiss her like he means it. They kiss each other deeply and Carlito says that’s better.

He tells Lucia to bit him. She bites his lip and Carlito moans. Lucia begs her brother to stop. He tells her he knows the FBI runs his planes and says he can convince them the operation is ongoing. Carlito says if the planes stop, Lucia dies. He tells Johnny to leave and says Lucia will be okay. He says he’ll take good care of her for him. Johnny leaves.

Mike pulls up just in time to hear gunshots and screams in the house. He heads in and shoots a guy. He hears that Martinez is dead. He shoots another. He creeps closer. He sees two of the LA cops dead at the table and a body on the floor. He takes out another shooter, but gets winged. He sees Sid lying on the ground and asks if he’s breathing. Sid says it’s a bloodbath and says he did this. Mike realizes Sid shot himself and his team with Mike’s gun.

He admits he sent the bomb package so Clark would go back and Mike would go on without him. He asks Mike what’s the matter with him for showing up there. Mike holds the gun on Sid and there are sirens. Sid tells him that he almost had him. He tells Mike to run. He does. Briggs slams Billy into a car and asks where Amber is. He tells him about the British money launderer. Amber tells her guy that Charlie would have talked already if she had something to say.

Charlie tells Amber that she can’t understand a word this British ape is saying and spits in his face. He tells her to let Charlie go and then they hear gunshots. It’s Briggs and he shoots one guard and calls out for Charlie. She calls out that she’s upstairs. Amber knocks her down – looks like she may be knocked out. Briggs and Amber exchange shots and the launderer and Amber run. He runs to Charlie and she asks if he wasn’t supposed to be in Mexico. He kisses her and tells her it’s going to be okay then carries her out.

At home, Charlie looks at her hospital wrist band and tells Briggs she can’t get it off. He does and asks how she’s feeling. He tells her he’s sorry he wasn’t there for her and she says he was. She tells him not to cry but he does anyway. She tells him he has to listen or go He tells her he’s going to find Germaine, the British guy, and hurt him. She tells him that she needs to sleep. She kisses him and lies down.

Briggs talks to Mike and he tells him that the baby is okay. Briggs tells him Sid is telling everyone that Mike set them up and Mike says that’s what Sid does – he scorches the earth and sets up a fall guy. He tells Briggs he needs help. He says he was shot, can’t go to the doctor and needs an ID. Jakes gets off a call that’s mostly in Spanish and asks Johnny where he’s been. He tells him he was with Carlito. They almost come to blows and Johnny threatens him.

He tells him he had one job to do. He tells Jakes he had one job to do and he got caught. He says Carlito has Lucia because of him. Jakes asks he let him take her and he’s disgusted with him. He walks off. Paige shows up to help Mike and gives him an ID. She offers to drive him to the hospital but he tells her to go. She tells him the world has so many bad people that you start to see them everywhere even in the faces of good men.

She tells him she’s sorry for not believing him and he lies back down and says he needs to rest until the storm is over. She tells him she sent a team to Arizona to look for Lina. She tells him about the letter. He says it’s better if they believe. He’s delirious and says it’s better that they believe she’s happy and in a better place. Paige tears up. She knows Lina is dead and that Mike knew since he accidentally told her the truth.

Sid looks around the office. Paige approaches him and tells him the name Mike is hospitalized under. He tells her the gig is up and no more tricks. He asks why she’s telling him and she just repeats the name and walks away looking defeated and exhausted. At the house, Briggs says Mike is in trouble and needs their help. No one seems interested.

Briggs tells them there are certain missions they can’t work alone. He says they need to guard Graceland and each other. Paige walks out on this statement and won’t hear it. Briggs goes after her. He asks what’s going on and she tells him it’s BS. She says they are the ones supposed to be guarding people out there and says Mike did it. She tells him that he burned Lina. He asks what happened with Mike. He asks what she did.

She tells him she gave Sid the name. Briggs stalks away. She cries and holds her heart then slumps down against the wall and cries. In the stairway of the hospital, we see Sid creeping up. He heads to a room and we see Mike is attached to all sorts of medical equipment. Sid come sin and looks at his chart then tells him to wake up. He says it looks like he had lead poisoning.

He says Mike’s lungs collapsed during surgery which is a tough break. Mike’s eyes open as he reaches for the call button. Sid says if he unplugs the machines, he’s done. He tells Mike the blonde girl gave him up and wonders why. He tells Mike he doesn’t understand why he had to come after him. He crimps the breathing tube and tells him he’s been to his fancy house, seen where they sleep. Briggs pulls up out front and runs in racing for the room.

Sid continues to cut off his air flow. Mike goes limp. Sid lets go of the tube and he codes. Briggs hears the code blue and runs in just as they respond to Mike flat lining. He notices his covers are disrupted. They start trying to revive him. That’s it – end of season!

The End!

Stormy Elizabeth:
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