Gwyneth Paltrow To Date Jake Gyllenhaal, Jared Leto, Mark Salling – Chris Martin Says “Go For It!”

Gwyneth Paltrow To Date Jake Gyllenhaal, Jared Leto, Mark Salling - Chris Martin Says "Go For It!"Gwyneth Paltrow To Date Jake Gyllenhaal, Jared Leto, Mark Salling - Chris Martin Says "Go For It!"

Gwyneth Paltrow has a type when it comes to men, and that type is abundantly clear. Think Chris Martin, except less douchey and more amenable to PR relationships. More specifically, think Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Salling, and Jared Leto (did I say LESS douchey, whoops).

We already know that Jakey and Gwyneth are on great terms, considering that Gwyneth’s the one who set Jake up with Taylor Swift way back in the day. Of course, that didn’t exactly end well, but who says that Gwyenth will give up so easily? Now that she knows that she’s not going to get back together with Chris, she has all the time in the world to win over her new conquests.

With Jared Leto, it’ll be even easier to win him over. I mean, the guy’s a walking, talking advertisement for hipster romance, and after his Oscar, he’s probably become a magnet for actresses trying to score themselves a bigger profile.

Finally, there’s Glee star Mark Salling. Gwyneth’s guest-starred on Glee a couple times now, and you have to wonder why an actress of her stature agreed to star on a television show when she’s not really getting much out of it. Sure, she’s friends with the showrunner, but she’s friends with a lot of writers and executives, and you don’t necessarily see her guesting on any other shows. But according to OK! Magazine, it’s because Gwyneth’s been trying to get with Mark Salling.

OK!’s sources also add, “Gwyneth has talked about dating someone younger to keep relevant. She’s noticed that MadonnaHeidi Klum and Demi Moore do it, and she wants in on the action.”

You know, Gwyenth’s career really isn’t doing a great job of keeping her relevant anymore and her divorce is only going to be in the news for so long. Plus, dating a younger guy is a guaranteed way to get Chris Martin’s attention, especially since he’s so busy trying to hook up with Alexa Chung, no?

What do you guys think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

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