Homeland Recap and Spoilers – Carrie’s a Sick Cold Monster: Season 4 Episode 6 “From A to B and Back Again”

Tonight on Showtime their Emmy Award winning drama series, Homeland returns with an all new Sunday November 2, season 4 episode 6 called, “From A to B and Back Again.” Tonight, Carrie [Claire Danes] puts her operation in motion.

On the last episode Carrie tried to earn a frightened asset’s trust; Saul spotted a familiar face on his way out of town at the airport. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode Carrie Mathison’s (Claire Danes) plan to recruit drone strike survivor Aayan Ibrahim (Suraj Sharma) in her attempt to discover the truth about CIA chief Sandy Bachman’s (Corey Stoll) death will go into full effect.

Tonight’s episode is going to be another action packed one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Showtimes’ Homeland Season 4 episode 6 — tonight at 10PM EST! Note that there are spoilers for tonight’s episode below.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Carrie sits in bed with a half dressed Aayan and works on his cover ID with him. He kisses he and she tells him to focus on learning the dossier. She runs through a series of identifying questions and then why he’s studying in England instead of Pakistan. He has good answers for all and then pulls her back into the bed to cuddle with him. He indulges him for a moment then shows him an envelope.

He opens it and sees a pile of money – a thousand pounds. There’s also a passport in his new name. She tells him they leave tonight. She says every day is a chance for him to be caught. She says she has some things to do and he says he has to pick up some things from his dorm room. She wants him to leave the stuff but he says it’s all he has. She makes him promise not to take any unnecessary risks and he agrees. She dresses and heads out.

She comes to the station and finds Quinn and says she needs a small discrete team. He hassles her about screwing the kid and she says his surveillance op crashed and burned because she was in bed. H scoffs and calls her the boss and she says she’ll find someone willing to do their job. She sees Redmond and pulls him in to talk.

Aayan is in his dorm room looking through photos of his family. He looks at his mother and is very sad. He puts these into his bag. Kiran shows up and asks what he’s doing. He says he’s leaving for London and she asks if he’s going for good. She asks how he can do this and he says he has a friend who is a journalist. He says she can’t tell anyone. She asks if he was going to go without a goodbye.

He says it’s not fair and asks her what he’s supposed to do. He tells her he has to leave because of her father and says he has to go. She asks him to take her along and he says he can’t. She steps closer and he gets angry and tells her no. He says he has to go alone and she acts jealous. He says the journalist saved him and asks when he met her and how. She asks if he loves the woman.

He says she arranged for him to go to college in London and then she asks again and he says he’s only known her a short while. He tells Kiran he has to go and says goodbye. He steps out into the hall of his dorm. He’s very upset but keeps going. He sees a man waiting outside the dorms for him and heads back inside then goes into a stairwell and heads out the emergency exit.

The guy notices him but at least he has a head start now. Aayan pulls up his head and takes off running into the crowd of students. He ducks into a building and hides behind a wall. His pursuer walks on by. He sighs in relief. Boyd is there and says he has a gift for Redmond – they get Quinn to help him. He tells him that Redmond bailed him out the other night.

Boyd says they talked about ball busting women. He hands Boyd a pen and paper and he asks Quinn if she’s a crazy ass ball breaker like he’s heard. Quinn just stares at him and then Hensleigh comes in and calls Quinn out. He goes and the guy tells him Ghazi didn’t get off the plane in South Africa. He tells the guy to get in touch with Saul as soon as he touches down in DC.

Boyd leaves and tells Quinn goodbye on the way out. Carrie walks down the street and lets herself into her safe house. The guy from the campus watches from across the street. Inside, Aayan tells her that he was chased but says he lost the guy. She says if it was ISI, there will be no limits on what can happen to him. She tells him she’s not at risk as a foreigner but he is.

She says they have to push back their departure until things cool off. He tells her also about Kiran and that he told her he was leaving. She asks if he said where they were going and he did and says they need to leave now. She says she can find out ahead of time if he’s on the watch list and says if he is, there’s no safe way to get him out of there. He says he knows and then says his uncle can help.

He says his uncle can get him across the border through Afghanistan and then to England. She asks if he would do that. He says Haqqani paid for his college and would help him. He holds out his hand for his passport and she hands it over. He asks if she’s angry and she says it’s her fault for letting her guard down. They see a shadow at the door and a guy breaks in the window.

She tells him to go and someone breaks in through the bedroom. She drags the guy off Aayan and he runs for the roof. He scrambles across it and then down another roof and to the street. He hits the ground and is running like a rabbit. He comes out of an alley and looks around but sees no one. He hears tires squealing and goes to hide as a van pulls up.

He sees Carrie being shoved into the van and then it peals out past him. In the van, Carrie asks if they had to make it so rough. They bloodied her nose. She tells them back to the Embassy and says they’re going to cross their fingers and see where the kid goes. They pull into the Embassy basement parking lot and Fara and Max are there. Carrie introduces then to Redmond and explains the one guy hit her in the nose.

Carrie explains to Fara they put a tracker in Aayan’s passport. Fara wonders if she’ll take out the kid when they spot Haqqani. Carrie tells her to stop calling him the boy – she says he’s an adult who smuggles drugs to Jihadists. She says if she or Quinn have any issues with the boy, she can remind herself she wouldn’t have to do any of this if she had recruited him successfully like she was supposed to.

Carrie tells her to go to the safe house and clean up and contribute to the operation. Fara reminds her she found Haqqani and there would be no operation without her. Boyd lurks in the lobby of the Embassy but it’s not clear if he heard any of what they were arguing about. Carrie goes upstairs and Redmond and Max show her the surveillance of Aayan at the bus terminal.

They watch him get on a bus to Karachi and Carrie says that’s the wrong direction. But then he talks to a guy who points him to another bus. This is the right way – toward Gosa – where his uncle has a training camp. Carrie is relieved that it seems to be working. He boards the bus and it departs. Redmond says it’s a six hour bus ride and tells Carrie she can crash on the couch in the next room.

He promises to wake her if anything happens. She goes to lie down. Fara looks at Aayan’s photos he left behind at the safe house when he fled. She dumps them into a plastic bag along with his jacket and some other items. She looks at the busted out side window by the door. We see Boyd peeking in. He ducks back as she goes to put some cardboard into the window.

The bus is stopped and everyone is told to take their bags and get off. They are herded off by armed men. Max wakes Carrie and says something is happening. Aayan gets off with the others. Some of the men search the luggage on the bus while others herd the passengers together. Carrie watches and curses. She sees they’re checking papers. They down the line asking for passports.

Aayan looks nervous. The man asks him for his then slaps him. Carrie tells them to wait and says he’s resourceful. He answers questions about his student visa and the soldier asks why he’s there instead of on the way. He asks who he is and holds the passport up to the light. Aayan gives his fake name but the guy yanks him out of line. Carrie tells Redmond to wait.

The soldier demands that he tell him the truth. Aayan hands over his money and says it’s all that he has. The soldier snatches it and smiles. He tells him happy holidays and tosses his passport back at him. Carrie smiles. Redmond is smug. Aayan picks his illegal papers up off the ground and heads back onto the bus with the others.

Fara hears the security alarm beeping downstairs and puts in the code. She sees the bags of stuff have been rifled. She notices the cardboard in the window is ajar. Hensleigh comes to tell Quinn that Saul isn’t in DC and he can’t find him. Quinn tells him to get a number from Carrie but the guy says she’s holed up in Ops 1 and he can’t get to her. Quinn tells him to call Saul’s wife Mira.

The bus pulls up and Aayan hops off first. He heads down a street. They watch from satellites. Carrie asks them to pull closer and they see he’s at a pay phone. Max is on it and she tells him to hurry. Aayan is talking to someone and Carrie pushes on Max. They get it finally. They’re running the number down as they listen. He’s talking to Haqqani.

Carrie asks what they said and the translator says they are meeting where they did when he was a boy. Aayan they calls her and she has to scramble to close down the audio to avoid feedback. She says she was worried she wouldn’t hear from him. He asks if she can talk and she says she doesn’t know whose listening. She says she’s okay but they gave her 24 hours to leave the country.

Aayan says he thought on the long ride and says he thought about just her. He says she saved him many times and he wants her to know that he loves her. Everyone in the ops room just stares. He says he can’t wait to see her again. She says she loves him too and they end the call. She comes to sit by Redmond who just looks at her askance but says nothing.

Aayan heads out of the village and through a rocky field. He goes to a small forest and heads into the trees. Carrie watches on the satellite feed. Redmond comes in and says Fara left her some garbage bags. She asks Redmond what he thinks and he asks about what. She says everyone heard what the kid said to her. Redmond sits and says he doesn’t think she cares what anyone thinks.

She asks what if she does. He says they all thought Haqqani was dead but he’s not and now they’re about to get him for real and she made that happen. He says that’s mostly what he thinks. He leaves. Aayan kneels in the foothills of some mountains and prays to Allah as the sun comes up. He stand and slips his shoes back on and continues his walk.

He walks through the foothills and stays near a creek. Finally, he comes to an area where women are dipping water with buckets. He looks into the mountains and smiles. Carrie pours coffee and goes back to watching his progress on the live satellite feed. Aayan pulls of his socks and pulls up his jeans and steps into the water. He crosses to a couple of concrete structure left in the creek and sits down. He lies back to feel the sun.

Boyd is at a cafe when Tasreem shows up. She asks if it’s early for him and he says he’s turning over a new leaf. He says he got into Carrie’s apartment and shows her the photos of the drugs. He says he thinks she’s at least bipolar and maybe worse. He points to a yellow building across the way and says it’s a CIA safe house. He says there was a big clean up yesterday and shows her the photos.

She says it’s Aayan and he says maybe not any more then shows her a travel dossier with a new name. She tells Boyd he has a real gift for this and says she has to move on this. Aayan lies relaxed on the concrete when men with guns approach. There are four of them. He stands and crosses the creek to them. He puts his socks and shoes back on.

Carrie asks who these guys are and they look around. Max runs facial recognition on them as they head to a the waiting truck. One is Azir Makdeshi and another is Basir Keshan. They are both Haqqani’s guys. Aayan doesn’t appear nervous around the guys. They all stand and look around and Max asks what they’re doing. Carrie says they’re waiting and says Haqqani may be coming.

They tell her they can’t protect the asset if they drone them. She says if the target shows up, they take action. Quinn sees a note and asks for Hensleigh all up and down the hall. The note said he never got on the plane. He says he just found out a couple of hours ago and Quinn yells. Carrie asks what they’re looking at and we see a couple more trucks pull up.

Carrie says to sweep and get a positive ID. Aayan talks to a man who says he shouldn’t have come. Quinn comes in and tells her Saul never got on the plane. She says they are in the middle of this. They confirm it’s Haqqani and Redmond calls it in. They are about to bomb them when they see a man dragged out of one of the trucks. It’s Saul.

Haqqani tells Aayan that this man was the head of the CIA. He asks what the woman said to him and says the woman is practically his child. Haqqani says there is a drone overhead now ready to kill them. Aayan looks up at the sky and into the camera of the drone. Haqqani says the medicine saved his life. He thanks his nephew then puts a bullet in his head. Carrie curses.

Haqqani stares up at the drone but knows they won’t kill him because of Saul. Carrie orders them to take the shot. Quinn says they can’t. Carrie orders the shot but Quinn says no. Max hesitates and Quinn grabs her and shakes her and says it’s Saul. The vehicles roll out and, for now, both Saul and Haqqani are safe. They watch the trucks roll out. Carrie storms out.

At an intersection, each of the three vehicles rolls out in a different direction. They ask Quinn which vehicle the drone should follow. He’s not sure. Carrie paces in her office and tries to calm down. She looks at the bags of stuff Fara left then swipes her desk clear in a fit of rage. She begins to cry and shake.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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