Tonight on Showtime their Emmy Award winning drama series, Homeland returns with an all new Sunday December 7, season 4 episode 10 called, “13 Hours in Islamabad” and we have your weekly recap below for you. Tonight, the security breach at the Embassy results in far reaching consequences.
On the last episode, Carrie and the CIA were being very careful with their moves. Carrie talked to Peter Quinn saying that she knew there’s something else going on, that the Talibans might actually kill Saul during the hand off or simply keep him. She wanted Quinn to look for anything that may not go according to plan. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.
On tonight’s episode as per the Showtime synopsis, “the consequences following the security breach at the Embassy are far-reaching.”
Tonight’s episode is going to be another action packed one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Showtimes’ Homeland Season 4 episode 10— tonight at 10PM EST
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates
Carrie and Saul are alive, but looking bad. Carrie comes to with her ears ringing from the explosion and bleeding from the head. US soldiers are retrieving them. It looks like Redmond is dead with a huge shard of glass through his neck. Saul pulls Carrie to her and calms him down. Martha tells Quinn that they have to pull the Marine back because the ISI may be coming in through the tunnels.
Quinn calls the Marines and tells Martha to lock herself in the vault. The Marine reports that they were hit by rockets but reports that Carrie and Saul are okay. Quinn pulls the Marines back and the guy says they’re pulling back now. But then they’re fired upon as they try to leave. Saul pulls Carrie out of the line of fire and she calls Aasar and asks him to send a platoon to help.
Tasneem tells him to hold the call for 10 minutes and says it’s time they get a dose of their own medicine. He reminds her that Haqqani is a terrorist who has killed her soldiers. Tasneem says that’s because he insists the enemy is his friend and helps the Americans. She tells him to wait 10 minutes. Lockhart gets a sit-rep and he says Martha is locked down.
Lockhart briefs everyone on level two lock down and they start shredding and incinerating files. Lockhart asks what he can do and a guy hands him a book that has all of the local intel and contacts they built. The guy tells him they have to get it to the vault because there is no backup. Haqqani and his men are in the Embassy and begin gunning people down.
Lockhart makes it out of the first room. Quinn and a Marine are down in the basement near the tunnels. They hear men speaking Pashto and ducks down just before they’re seen. Quinn calls Hensley but he’s dead. Quinn curses when he gets no answer. The peek at the men nearby who then walk off. He and the young Marine continue sneaking about and duck out of the way again.
They are directly behind the squad of men and then the Marine spots another man further away for a smoke. Haqqani tears apart the ops room. He has several people lined up on their knees – a few men and a woman. Fara is among them. Haqqani tells her to stand up. She does. He asks her who has the list and she asks what list. He says the list of traitors that help them kill his men and women.
She looks him in the eye and he asks if she’s a Muslim. She says yes and he asks if her family knows she’s there helping them kill Muslims. She looks him hard in the eye and says they know. He says if she won’t tell him where to find the list, this man will. He gestures to the young guy next to her who is near tears. Haqqani radios down to the men in the basement and Quinn listens in.
Quinn says they are headed for the Embassy vault because they are after Lockhart and the list. They take aim at the men and fire off a bunch of shots. Looks like they took out all the basement d-bags. Quinn says that’s good and tells the guy to get a radio. On the street, a Marine tells Saul and Carrie that the sniper is still on them. He asks Saul to lay down suppressive fire to help.
He hands the gun to Carrie and tells her to do it. Carrie asks why Haqqani would do this and Saul says it may not be him or there may be something more. Saul spots for Carrie who takes shots. She misses and then keeps firing and she says Aasar should be here by there. In the vault, Martha calls Bunny for assistance. She says to get them some help.
They watch on the cameras as Haqqani comes to the vault and demands they open the door. They have all the analysts on their knees where they can see them. Haqqani says he knows they’re in there. They shoot one in the head. He says again to open it. Martha uses the speaker to tell Haqqani that the Pakistan Armed Forces are on the way and she says the door won’t open until she gets an all clear from DC.
He says to send out Lockhart. She says he’s not there. He says she’s lying and shoots another. He says to send out the materials he wants. Martha says he can execute them all and there’s not a damned thing she can do. Haqqani pulls out a knife and hauls Fara in front of the camera. He says he’ll kill her there. Lockhart tells him to stop and says he’s coming out.
Martha says if they open it, he’ll kill them all anyway. Lockhart says he’s going to cut her head off. Lockhart tries to open it but it won’t open. He tells Haqqani it’s on a countdown. Haqqani says he’s playing games but he says he’s not. Quinn and the Marine show up and put their cell phone around the corner to see what’s going on.
Quinn sees Fara and he and the Marine talk strategy. He says he thinks they will run. The timer runs out and Lockhart opens the door and closes it behind him. He has the book. Quinn curses. Lockhart hands it over and says to let Fara go. He stabs her and says to kill them all. Quinn and the Marine turn the corner and open fire. Haqqani takes a hit but keeps going.
They swap fire with two guys left with an automatic weapon. One goes down and an analyst grabs a handgun and takes out the other. Lockhart looks unarmed. Quinn and the Marine take off after Haqqani and the few survivors. Haqqani’s guy sets a charge that goes off right before Quinn and the Marine get there and it blocks the tunnel and keeps them from pursuing.
Quinn curses loudly. He comes back upstairs and finds an analyst holding Fara’s bloody body. Carrie and Saul hear horns honking as the support finally shows up. Carrie looks around at all the dead marines. They get a ride back to the Embassy. There are people out in the streets in front of the Embassy barring the way and shooting cell phone video. Carrie stares in shock. Saul looks at the Isis flag (or whatever it is) hanging from the balcony of the Embassy and says – my God.
Four hours later, the news updates the world about the attack on the embassy that killed 40 Americans. The reporter says the Taliban says it was retaliation for drone strikes. Martha watches the news with disgust – Lockhart sits with her. The phone starts to ring. Lockhart tells her to get it. She does and is placed on hold for the President. Carrie sits on the steps with Max and they stare at Fara’s body.
Max tells Carrie she’s mean and that all Fara wanted was her approval and all Carrie gave her was a hard time. Carrie tells him she was training her but he says she could have said something nice to her just once and that it would have meant a lot. She says she wishes she had. Max says she was doing okay and Carrie tells him that Fara was much more than okay.
Lockhart comes to get Carrie and she follows him. He tells her he just got off with the White House and says they are pulling out of Pakistan. She says she’s not surprised and says it was clearly state sponsored. He says they’re being evacuated first thing but she says she has to stay and help pull out their assets. He says no and say the President doesn’t want her representing their interests.
Lockhart says it’s his fault and he never should have given over the list. Carrie says it was a tough call and she’s not sure what she would have done and he thanks her for saying that. He say they are pulling out at 6:30. Dennis is back in lock up when Martha comes down. She asks what he wanted to see her about. He says he heard they were leaving tomorrow.
He asks what happens then and she says he’ll be taken into custody and charged with treason. He tells her he’s sorry and she tells him 36 people died today. She asks what she’s doing there and asks what he wants. He asks for her belt. She says she will do no such thing. He says it will spare her a lot of heart ache and she says it will spare him.
He says it’s better for Toby. She says he’d want his father alive and he says not locked up in a super max prison as a traitor. He tells her he deserves to die but she says it’s not happening. He says it could save her career. He says everyone at State knows how valuable she is and says if he dies, the worst can be swept under the rug. She asks if he’s serious and he says it’s the one good thing he can do now.
She is crying and says she doesn’t know what to say. He says not to say anything just to let it happen. He says his life is ruined but hers doesn’t have to be. He says she knows he’s right. She goes to unbuckle her belt then says she can’t. She says it can’t be her belt. He tells her that his is in the locker and points to where it is. He tells her to go get it.
She walks over to the locker and pulls out his belt. He tells her to bring it to him. She looks at it and then at him. He tells her please to let him do this one last thing for his family. She throws it on the floor just outside the cell at Dennis’ feet. He reaches down to get it and calls to her but she’s already gone and out in the hall walking away.
Quinn says he put a bullet in Haqqani and he needs medical attention. He wants to go after him now where Saul was held. Saul says he saw nothing but Quinn makes him answer a barrage of questions. Saul doesn’t know if it was a house or an apartment. Quinn starts asking about the kid with the bomb vest then. Quinn asks about the phones and that Haqqani switched them out.
Saul says they switched them every morning like clockwork. Quinn asks what type of phone it was and says he had the phone in his hand because he called Carrie on it. Quinn screams at Saul to nut up and answer him. Carrie comes in and asks Quinn to give him a break. Quinn tells her they can find Haqqani but she says they’re pulling out.
Quinn says they can’t hand Haqqani Afghanistan on a platter. She says they’re going and this time they’re right. Quinn says it’s important and Carrie says he’ll die trying to do this and she won’t let him. She tells him to pack his things and be on the first flight out and tells him it’s a direct order. Carrie goes in to talk to Saul and says she and Quinn were just having a difference of opinion.
She asks if he’s okay and he says not even close. He says he made a fool of his time as CIA chief and that people are dead because of him. Carrie says it was Haqqani’s plan all along to attack the Embassy. She says him faking his death and killing Sandy in the street was all part of it. Quinn goes down to ask which bodies are the Talibs.
The guy asks if he’s authorized to be down there and Quinn says he has to take some photos to try and ID these motherf—ers. He lets him. Quinn snaps some photos while casually searching their pockets for phones. He finds one and then moves on to another body. Martha sits in her office like she’s on tenterhooks. She sits back and sighs as she waits.
Carrie calls Fara’s dad. She tells him what happened. Saul is in the shower washing off this and all his other ordeals. We see bruises all over him as he lets the hot water wash it all away. Quinn and Parvez leave the Embassy cursing their so-called allies who showed up too late, intentionally, to help them and are now charged with keeping them “safe.”
They head out and Parvez says they are right on schedule as they see a vehicle pull out to follow them. He thanks Parvez and tells him not a word to Carrie. The vehicle tailing them pulls up in front of them. Quinn gets out and says he’ll see him state side. The follow car pull sup and a few guys get out to go after Quinn who steps into a busy market.
He ducks stall to stall. They struggle to keep up. Quinn buys a robe then starts a fire but overpays the shop keeper enough to make up for it. The fire pulls in a crowd and Quinn gets away. He hops in the car that was following him, puts a gun to the guy’s head and tells him to f-ing drive. The man brings him to a garage and he asks where Haqqani is. He says he doesn’t know and Quinn knocks him down.
He takes a phone from him – the same make as the one the Talibs that hit the Embassy had. Next morning, Carrie tells Lockhart that Quinn is not on the grounds and is in a volatile state. She asks for five days to bring him in. She says they can’t live Quinn in the cold because he saved so many lives. Lockhart asks when this will end.
She says five days and he tells her she’ll be without official cover. Lockhart comes and tells them they’re leaving Quinn. Martha plays dumb and asks where Dennis is. She’s told he was already brought up and is in the lead SUV. She goes to look in the SUV at him. She glares in disgust because he was too much a coward to take his life and save his family.
Carrie tells Saul she’s staying to get Quinn out. He says there’s a point where she’s no longer responsible. She says she’s not there yet. Saul says the President activated the fleet and it could get ugly. He says he doesn’t want to leave without her but she says she’ll be on his heels. He tells her to be careful, hugs her and gets in his car. The convoy pulls out for the airfield. Carrie watches them all leave.