J. Cole Got Side Chick Bria Pregnant While Engaged to Melissa Heholt – Report

Looks like 2014 will be the year of the “on break” baby. Famed North Carolina hip hop recording artist J. Cole may have more to celebrate than his alleged upcoming nuptials with longtime girlfriend Melissa Heholt, as his side chick jump off Bria or “Briaaaaaal” has posted some suspicious pics on Instagram suggesting he has a little hip hop spawn on the way.

Back in early December, news began to spread like wild fire that J. Cole had popped the question to his main chick Melissa whom he met in 2003 while attending St. John University. Well this news apparently did not go over well with his side piece Miss Bria. Not too long after the good news of J. Cole’s engagement began to get around town, an iPhone photo of J. Cole (or his body double) leaving a hotel room with a naked Bria’s legs in bed snapping the picture popped up on Instagram. Word on the curb was that Bria was fuming with jealousy that J. Cole had proposed to Melissa and not her, and thus she decided to put him on blast. The picture was allegedly posted immediately, so we can assume their encounter was in December based on the Instagram timeline.

Fast forward a month to January and Bria has posted yet another Instagram photo of her swollen belly posed in a manner suggesting that she is pregnant. Now, of course, this alone does not mean that it is J. Cole’s baby. Many of us assume that side chicks have their own side flings going on with other dudes. In this case it was the caption under the pic that was telling. Bria wrote under the pic, “Mama did you f**k…Lol” which are lyrics from J. Cole’s song Trouble. According to CalvinBlanco, J. Cole was definitely spending a lot of time with this Bria. She was like the main chick of all J. Cole’s side chicks. So it looks like a double congratulations is in order, as J. Cole has a wedding AND a baby on the way.

Wondering which one will happen first? We will all have to wait and see how this laundry is aired out. J. Cole has been silent on Twitter and has not responded publicly to the allegations in the media. Whatever the case, we have some advice for him. Instead of following in the footsteps of Ludacris and Dwayne Wade, J. Cole would have done better listening to Gabrielle Union’s advice she gave while promoting BET hit series Being Mary Jane when she told the fellas “throw away your own condoms” because apparently that is the new way side chicks are getting pregnant these days.

Image Credit: Instagram and FameFlynet

Kat E:
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