Janet Jackson Plastic Surgery Revealed: She’s Had Nearly Every Procedure Possible!

Janet Jackson Plastic Surgery Revealed: She's Had Nearly Every Procedure Possible!Janet Jackson Plastic Surgery Revealed: She's Had Nearly Every Procedure Possible!

Janet Jackson’s plastic surgery is slowly getting out of control, which we could have told you just by looking at her face. To be honest, the entire Jackson family has always had an unhealthy relationship with plastic surgery, and it’s shown in the way they carry themselves. A little bit of plastic surgery might have been acceptable, but most of them overdo it on the nose jobs, the cheek shaving, the skin bleaching, the face lifts, and every other procedure under the sun. The end result is, well, it’s freakish.

A professional plastic surgeon (who has not treated Janet) even weighed in to the National Enquirer, explaining, “She [Janet] seems to have had every procedure possible. Analyzing these pictures, I can say she had a mini facelift that tightened her jawline.”

Yeah, and that facelift didn’t do her any favors. Janet Jackson has millions billions of dollars at her disposal, and this is what she chooses to do with it? Maybe it’s true what they say – money doesn’t buy you everything. It’s even more unfortunate when we look at her brother’s tragic history. Michael Jackson’s body dysmorphia was well documented, and his resulting obsession with plastic surgery was more than a little tragic. And now, Janet Jackson is following her brother in more than appearance, which doesn’t bode well for her future. Let’s hope she realizes that anything more, and she’ll start resembling the crypt keeper.

What do you guys think? Do you agree that Janet Jackson’s plastic surgery went overboard? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Image credit to FameFlynet

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