Joan Rivers Out Of Intensive Care, Off Life Support – Melissa Rivers Statement

Joan Rivers is out of intensive care and off life support. Melissa Rivers released a simple statement: “My mother has been moved out of intensive care and into a private room where she is being kept comfortable.” Joan is not conscious and we don’t know when or if her condition will improve.

It has been a week since Joan Rivers checked herself in to a NYC clinic to have a minor endoscopic procedure done on her throat and the days that have followed have been perilous at best. The 81-year old comedienne reportedly stopped breathing while under some form on anesthesia and from that point she also suffered a cardiac and respiratory arrest. Joan’s daughter Melissa Rivers has confirmed that the star has been resting comfortably on life support for days now.

So what exactly went wrong during what has been described as an noninvasive and very simple procedure? While we aren’t absolutely positive just yet, according to the Sept. 15th print edition of The National Enquirer there is a very good chance that Joan was put to sleep for her procedure using a drug like Propofol. It would have been put into her IV and when administered properly is very effective in knocking someone out while an otherwise awkward procedure is performed.

On the other hand if it’s not administed properly it’s one of the most deadly drugs out there. Propofol sounds familiar because it is what Michael Jackson overdosed on and already questions are being raised about the kind of dosage Joan might have been given. Propofol slows breathing down which also puts you more at risk for cardiac arrest. If a tiny woman like Joan Rivers was given too strong of a dose of Propofol then respiratory arrest would have been a fairly likely end result.

Sources expect a full investigation into what exactly Yorkville Endoscopy used to sedate her and what type of treatment she received while there. Apparently when paramedics arrived Joan was completely unresponsive so something obviously went incredibly wrong within the walls of that building. Do you think negligence will become an issue in this sad situation? Our thoughts are with Joan and Melissa Rivers.

Cate Meighan:
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