Teresa Giudice NOT A Criminal Swears Husband Joe – Claims She had no Knowledge of Massive Joint Fraud

Teresa Giudice NOT A Criminal Swears Husband Joe - Claims She had no Knowledge of Massive Joint FraudTeresa Giudice NOT A Criminal Swears Husband Joe - Claims She had no Knowledge of Massive Joint Fraud

Joe Giudice and Teresa Giudice are facing major legal troubles, as they’re currently being charged with 41 counts of fraud. Basically, if they’re convicted, the couple will not be in a good place and is looking at an eternity of jail time. But is Joe Giudice trying to get his wife off the hook, save her from an unfortunate fate of prison bars and wearing awful inmate jumpsuits (that haven’t been purchased from Gucci)? Seems so. In recently revealed court documents, Joe is claiming that Teresa had NO knowledge of any criminal activity they’re being accused of committing. This is hard to believe (of course she knew!), but Joe’s planning on invoking his 5th Amendment rights should their trial remain a joint one.

It’s all a bit confusing, really, so let’s break it down. IF the trials remain LINKED, Teresa and Joe will either be forced to testify AGAINST one another or choose not to testify at all. You see how this might be an unsavory situation, having to choose between protecting yourself or your partner. IF the trials are SEPARATED, and both Joe and Teresa are given their own trial, they can each choose to testify on their own behalf and ultimately make the decision whether or not (or how) they’ll testify against one another. Make a little sense?

According to Celebuzz, Joe plans on telling the courts the following things IF their joint trial is severed: Teresa had no knowledge of any misrepresentation on loan and mortgage applications and lines of credit. Teresa was not aware that various properties and businesses were acquired in her name.  Joe signed Teresa’s name on numerous occasions without her knowledge or permission. Joe’s former business partner signed Teresa’s name on docs, as did Joe’s attorney, again without her knowledge or authorization. And other people were aware that Teresa had not signed those docs.

Joe probably has an inkling that this is not going to turn out well for them and has decided to attempt to preserve his family by leaving his children with at least one parent — one who’s not behind bars. The couple has four children. We’ll let you know how this court drama proceeds over the coming months!

Do you think the courts will separate their trials?

Image credit to FameFlynet

Yellow J:
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