Jonathan Bennett & Allison Holker Dancing With the Stars Jazz Video Season 19 Week 6 10/20/14 #DWTS

Jonathan Bennett & Allison Holker Dancing With the Stars Jazz Video Season 19 Week 6 10/20/14 #DWTSJonathan Bennett & Allison Holker Dancing With the Stars Jazz Video Season 19 Week 6 10/20/14 #DWTS

Tonight on the season 19 week 6 of Dancing with the Stars actor Jonathan Bennett and his partner Allison Holker danced a Jazz routine to “Back in Time” by Pitbull.  On tonight’s episode the the nine remaining celebrities performing to a mix of his hits and personal favorite songs. Dance styles will include Salsa, Rumba, Foxtrot, Tango and Jazz. At the end of the night, one couple will face elimination. Did you watch tonight’s performance episode?  If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.  If you missed any of tonight’s videos we have them all for you too!

On last week’s episode and the switch up Jonathan performed a Jitterbug and Carrie Ann liked it saying, “There moments of brilliance, but so much of it was wrong. I could see the potential, but there were too many mis-steps.”  The judges scored Jonathan a 24/40.  If you want to see his Jitterbug from last week, you can check the video out here.

Jonathan Bennett and professional dancer Allison Holker: dancing a Jazz routine.  Jonathan has been getting ready for his dance and tweeted about this week dance, “Phone lines stay open for 1 hour after the show & you can vote online for 24 hours. We need your votes!!”

Judges’ comments: Julianne: “It is week six and we need to see improvement, we did.” Bruno: “The man in black has his mojo back, you are slick. Tonight it just happened, you were on it.” Carrie Ann: “You never stop smiling and never give up, it paid off.” Pit Bull: “Great selection for the song, you looked just like Will Smith. Amazing”

SCORES: Julianne: 8 Carrie Ann: 8 Pit Bull: 8 Bruno: 8 TOTAL: 32/40

Vote for Jonathan Bennett and professional dancer Allison Holker at voting #: 1*800*868*3406.

Watch the video below and let us know what you think? Do you think Jonathan did enough to avoid elimination next week?  Sound out in the comments and let us know your thoughts?

Heather DiPietro:
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