Jonathan Bennett & Allison Holker Dancing With the Stars Tango Video Season 19 Week 3 9/29/14 #DWTS

Jonathan Bennett & Allison Holker Dancing With the Stars Tango Video Season 19 Week 3 9/29/14 #DWTSJonathan Bennett & Allison Holker Dancing With the Stars Tango Video Season 19 Week 3 9/29/14 #DWTS

Tonight on the season 19 week 3 of Dancing with the Stars actor Jonathan Bennett and his partner Allison Holer danced a Tango routine to “Back to Black” by Beyonce & Andre 3000.  On tonight’s episode the 11 remaining celebrities dance to songs from their favorite movies.  show kicks-off with a spectacular opening number featuring the entire cast. Did you watch tonight’s performance episode?  If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.  If you missed any of tonight’s videos we have them all for you too!

On last week’s episode Jonathan performed a Cha Cha Cha and Julianne loved it saying, “I am going to say is that you guys are very consistent and you have a lot of potential to grow.  Keep doing what you are doing.”  The judges scored Jonathan a 30/40.  If you want to see his Cha Cha Cha from last week, you can check the video out here.

Jonathan Bennett and professional dancer Allison Holker: dancing a a Tango routine.  Jonathan has been getting ready for his dance and tweeted about this week dance, “Finally got a dance belt for dancingabc looking forward to rocking this tonight under my suit. ”

Judges’ comments: Kevin: “I loved that this song was not a traditional Tango song, good job.” Julianne: “I was going to say the same thing, I think you did a good job with what you were given.” Bruno: “That was hard, but you did it.” Carrie Ann: “We are here to encourage you to be the best that you can be, you did that.”

SCORES: Carrie Ann: 8 Kevin: 8 Julianne: 8 Bruno: 8 TOTAL: 32/40Jonathan Bennett and professional dancer Allison Holker at voting #: 1*800*868*3406.

Watch the video below and let us know what you think? Do you think Jonathan did enough to avoid elimination next week?  Sound out in the comments and let us know your thoughts?

Heather DiPietro:
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